StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-06-10 to Sunday 2019-06-16, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-06-10
(click to change weeks)
(6,527 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:01 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 80 1,419 3,342 $104,397 204,888 949
FPO 36 116 322 $9,569 21,497 868
MP40 46 392 1,004 $29,242 62,484 930
MP50 34 222 585 $14,952 38,070 910
FP40 5 9 24 $1,256 1,714 830
MP55 1 1 1 $30 50 1,022
MP60 9 22 65 $2,025 4,385 886
MP70 1 1 2 $60 130 828
MA1 71 1,071 2,599 $0 159,481 922
FA1 33 110 271 $0 19,797 808
MA2 74 1,169 2,765 $0 176,462 883
FA2 31 77 192 $0 15,263 755
MA3 68 925 1,953 $0 130,237 851
FA3 26 72 163 $0 13,185 698

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alberta 1 69 134 $965 7,869 1
Arizona 1 152 529 $11,406 32,875 35
Arkansas 1 81 162 $2,098 8,631 6
British Columbia 1 63 122 $91 7,655 0
California 2 235 618 $7,265 38,594 30
Colorado 2 101 181 $2,071 12,937 2
Connecticut 2 90 179 $2,301 11,471 7
Florida 1 51 153 $1,290 9,279 5
Georgia 4 224 487 $3,296 33,241 17
Idaho 1 132 515 $12,005 31,308 30
Illinois 4 189 345 $1,815 21,057 9
Indiana 3 106 164 $2,663 12,064 7
Iowa 2 88 152 $2,615 8,519 6
Kentucky 1 73 144 $240 10,025 7
Maine 1 123 244 $3,400 14,323 10
Manitoba 1 37 74 $84 4,676 0
Massachusetts 2 133 266 $1,924 17,588 4
Michigan 6 327 652 $5,932 40,165 28
Minnesota 1 129 256 $23,235 23,532 34
Missouri 1 269 795 $18,052 51,541 63
Montana 1 136 402 $12,532 24,289 58
Nevada 1 54 156 $1,005 13,554 1
New Hampshire 2 85 156 $1,111 10,909 0
New Jersey 1 48 189 $960 11,886 5
New Mexico 1 78 229 $2,363 14,284 6
New York 2 159 317 $2,905 24,069 6
North Carolina 3 403 1,433 $170 87,965 26
Ohio 2 92 286 $42 18,291 1
Oklahoma 1 56 109 $36 6,934 0
Ontario 1 84 247 $2,457 20,160 12
Oregon 3 140 259 $845 16,602 5
Pennsylvania 3 113 211 $780 12,994 2
South Carolina 1 83 246 $1,805 16,126 9
Tennessee 2 167 330 $2,801 18,541 13
Texas 7 423 854 $6,706 50,816 38
Utah 1 49 48 $70 2,885 1
Virginia 1 56 112 $1,085 6,931 5
Washington 1 67 134 $1,107 8,018 5
Wisconsin 4 145 239 $2,736 15,478 6
Wyoming 1 56 112 $2,932 6,969 8

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 4 253 577 $3,597 40,360 13
Czech Republic 1 72 216 $129 14,230 6
Estonia 1 168 332 $1,151 22,106 7
Finland 8 531 1,051 $1,111 67,361 13
Germany 3 188 647 $3,305 39,340 33
Latvia 1 23 46 $0 2,962 0
Netherlands 1 21 39 $0 1,999 0
Sweden 11 562 1,211 $7,985 76,819 42
Thailand 1 10 20 $0 1,694 0
United Kingdom 1 89 296 $2,010 17,396 13
United States 73 4,913 11,664 $143,599 744,691 495