StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-06-20 to Sunday 2022-06-26, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-06-20
(click to change weeks)
(11,062 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-07-02 18:30 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 134 1,710 3,966 $114,792 238,523 952
FPO 39 195 493 $32,184 35,493 863
MP40 67 470 1,113 $19,533 71,734 927
MP50 37 181 468 $7,371 30,748 908
FP40 9 26 62 $1,137 4,754 829
FP50 2 5 10 $53 813 847
MP55 1 2 2 $0 121 889
MP60 19 64 149 $1,908 9,660 868
MP65 1 1 1 $0 66 821
FP70 1 2 4 $0 475 568
MA1 144 1,987 4,777 $0 294,273 914
FA1 56 231 649 $0 45,482 808
MA2 143 2,071 4,037 $0 253,423 881
FA2 49 112 225 $0 17,728 759
MA3 135 2,146 3,887 $0 249,301 844
FA3 55 139 241 $0 18,963 709

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 19 19 $18 1,254 0
Alaska 1 26 52 $0 2,890 3
Arizona 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Arkansas 2 66 130 $1,733 7,662 6
British Columbia 2 62 153 $0 10,710 0
California 2 204 404 $1,086 29,856 5
Colorado 5 344 461 $330 35,173 13
Connecticut 2 88 160 $2,346 9,885 5
Delaware 2 56 111 $668 6,998 4
Florida 2 143 225 $0 16,013 1
Georgia 5 429 1,144 $160 71,084 44
Hawaii 1 30 59 $1,074 3,510 0
Idaho 2 60 109 $450 6,250 2
Illinois 3 508 870 $562 52,170 7
Indiana 5 512 1,976 $3,039 119,945 68
Iowa 3 180 337 $565 19,886 5
Kansas 2 152 297 $3,081 17,876 6
Kentucky 3 118 343 $4,876 26,523 0
Louisiana 2 40 68 $78 4,299 2
Maine 2 174 383 $210 23,011 6
Manitoba 1 9 17 $0 1,035 0
Maryland 1 134 266 $0 16,363 2
Massachusetts 6 314 456 $6,420 27,599 14
Michigan 13 752 1,308 $7,028 76,032 31
Minnesota 2 258 672 $83,256 43,812 214
Mississippi 2 161 314 $0 18,759 8
Missouri 2 95 168 $779 9,223 1
Montana 1 161 312 $0 17,452 8
Nebraska 2 86 172 $165 11,277 1
New Hampshire 1 16 16 $50 940 0
New Jersey 4 209 487 $340 31,281 5
New York 5 207 460 $4,173 25,853 4
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 21 63 $0 3,934 0
North Carolina 10 425 653 $1,138 42,496 5
North Dakota 1 49 98 $0 7,641 0
Nova Scotia 1 76 223 $0 14,461 1
Ohio 6 295 649 $1,076 45,255 5
Oklahoma 3 227 442 $4,878 25,306 16
Ontario 3 158 266 $56 15,883 5
Oregon 4 262 627 $20 36,471 17
Pennsylvania 5 319 442 $1,980 28,955 7
Rhode Island 1 93 93 $430 5,948 1
Saskatchewan 1 119 357 $3,161 22,143 3
South Carolina 3 180 356 $0 22,075 5
South Dakota 2 52 104 $0 6,528 0
Tennessee 3 350 778 $6,800 47,420 12
Texas 18 812 1,178 $5,668 74,682 34
Utah 1 131 390 $0 33,674 10
Virginia 3 110 281 $165 18,517 11
Washington 3 155 582 $6,164 33,939 26
West Virginia 1 27 51 $0 3,036 0
Wisconsin 3 289 571 $3,702 41,340 13
Wyoming 2 37 37 $0 3,269 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 121 241 $503 16,336 2
Canada 9 445 1,079 $3,217 68,166 9
Croatia 1 49 155 $0 9,709 0
Czech Republic 1 29 57 $0 4,002 0
Denmark 2 124 365 $0 20,977 1
Estonia 5 276 481 $0 31,241 12
Finland 2 278 736 $18,050 54,439 92
France 1 53 157 $627 10,390 5
Germany 2 96 270 $0 15,676 15
Iceland 1 84 245 $0 17,136 3
Japan 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Latvia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Netherlands 2 32 64 $0 3,709 0
New Zealand 2 141 402 $0 33,237 7
Norway 1 145 503 $0 35,141 24
Sweden 6 440 806 $73 52,008 5
United Kingdom 6 125 309 $0 17,000 2
United States 154 9,355 19,111 $154,508 1,209,428 627