StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-08-12 to Sunday 2019-08-18, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-08-12
(click to change weeks)
(5,521 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:02 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 78 1,319 3,511 $146,310 207,574 956
FPO 35 154 486 $25,437 32,411 867
MP40 44 318 803 $14,996 47,998 923
MP50 17 88 221 $2,881 13,480 895
FP40 5 17 39 $1,121 2,572 830
MP60 7 30 98 $1,766 5,487 908
MA1 77 929 2,130 $0 126,940 924
FA1 35 91 201 $0 13,964 802
MA2 77 989 2,115 $0 132,885 886
FA2 22 55 116 $0 8,405 761
MA3 72 866 1,861 $0 119,173 853
FA3 23 63 128 $0 9,864 686

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alberta 1 38 107 $429 6,891 0
Arizona 1 82 160 $815 9,909 3
Arkansas 1 76 152 $624 8,920 5
British Columbia 3 58 116 $878 6,917 4
California 2 161 395 $3,855 22,825 20
Colorado 2 44 85 $95 4,972 0
Georgia 1 185 542 $2,989 34,054 22
Idaho 1 41 82 $0 5,047 2
Illinois 3 328 1,198 $116,726 77,637 414
Indiana 4 112 222 $2,005 15,098 8
Iowa 3 132 264 $1,339 15,157 7
Kentucky 2 124 243 $1,880 16,476 5
Louisiana 2 80 156 $1,513 8,973 4
Maine 1 33 66 $550 3,573 10
Maryland 1 27 52 $426 2,929 3
Massachusetts 1 15 49 $0 2,815 2
Michigan 4 133 257 $1,310 16,127 10
Minnesota 1 16 32 $194 1,980 0
Mississippi 1 21 42 $523 2,287 2
Missouri 2 113 225 $1,125 13,114 3
Nebraska 2 130 258 $1,615 15,656 9
New Hampshire 3 80 134 $2,327 8,720 6
New Jersey 1 66 131 $1,077 7,175 5
New York 3 150 297 $6,356 18,549 5
North Carolina 1 142 418 $2,755 22,996 27
North Dakota 1 52 104 $740 7,979 1
Ohio 1 39 153 $1,545 8,741 13
Ontario 1 65 194 $3,060 11,864 17
Oregon 2 196 451 $2,100 28,875 21
Pennsylvania 2 178 304 $3,112 19,023 15
Saskatchewan 1 39 122 $858 7,983 1
South Carolina 1 84 248 $1,782 17,993 10
Tennessee 2 268 516 $6,528 32,039 21
Texas 2 80 159 $1,109 9,952 3
Utah 1 78 215 $0 12,515 5
Vermont 1 64 125 $523 7,087 4
Virginia 2 65 129 $1,301 9,050 1
Washington 1 83 248 $3,284 15,891 10
West Virginia 1 54 106 $260 6,135 2
Wisconsin 5 335 779 $7,671 47,640 43

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 71 140 $571 11,551 1
Austria 1 24 46 $0 2,852 1
Canada 6 200 539 $5,225 33,655 22
Czech Republic 1 64 192 $0 12,358 7
Estonia 1 67 133 $0 6,896 2
Finland 11 640 1,423 $721 87,711 23
Germany 1 53 177 $0 10,006 2
Iceland 1 29 86 $0 5,815 1
Japan 1 36 160 $657 8,153 6
Latvia 1 42 148 $0 9,035 1
Lithuania 1 36 108 $552 7,710 0
Norway 1 49 87 $169 5,196 1
Sweden 10 593 1,171 $3,179 71,772 25
Switzerland 1 41 121 $1,065 8,040 6
United Kingdom 1 67 235 $318 14,092 2
United States 65 3,867 8,997 $180,054 557,909 721