StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-11-14 to Sunday 2022-11-20, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-11-14
(click to change weeks)
(6,700 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-11-27 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 92 1,095 2,314 $73,318 132,014 947
FPO 33 110 261 $9,037 17,756 845
MP40 43 273 591 $17,100 35,603 926
MP50 25 145 315 $10,282 19,453 919
FP40 2 8 21 $617 1,335 826
MP55 1 4 8 $320 331 924
MP60 13 43 104 $3,196 6,514 891
FP60 1 1 3 $74 198 815
MP65 1 7 20 $0 1,140 847
MP70 2 5 15 $186 1,002 846
MA1 99 1,067 2,067 $0 129,146 913
FA1 38 108 215 $0 15,552 794
MA2 91 1,088 2,095 $0 130,127 885
FA2 31 84 173 $0 12,795 753
MA3 94 1,384 2,554 $0 167,075 846
FA3 26 70 135 $0 11,043 663

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 303 598 $4,154 35,081 6
Arizona 1 85 167 $1,135 9,653 2
Arkansas 2 160 233 $5,057 17,737 8
California 3 157 416 $9,042 23,814 33
Florida 6 464 1,202 $18,142 73,829 57
Georgia 8 598 1,027 $6,885 68,349 31
Illinois 2 57 114 $200 6,696 3
Indiana 4 98 166 $576 10,647 4
Kansas 3 190 372 $2,729 22,644 4
Kentucky 3 220 434 $610 32,035 6
Louisiana 2 36 172 $175 10,563 0
Massachusetts 1 14 28 $120 1,793 0
Michigan 3 113 207 $530 12,153 1
Minnesota 1 67 67 $240 4,205 0
Mississippi 1 39 78 $942 4,671 1
Missouri 1 24 48 $153 3,043 2
Nevada 2 122 208 $1,591 13,122 2
New Hampshire 1 87 173 $1,520 10,297 4
New Jersey 5 90 153 $674 9,839 1
New Mexico 1 48 96 $1,041 5,505 0
New York 2 127 248 $655 16,243 2
North Carolina 8 553 957 $6,963 64,355 25
Ohio 3 116 244 $804 16,127 7
Oklahoma 2 229 451 $4,570 28,535 17
Oregon 4 165 328 $2,308 19,296 16
South Carolina 5 330 706 $5,713 44,250 12
Tennessee 1 42 84 $455 4,725 1
Texas 16 858 1,477 $13,991 93,877 35
Virginia 6 367 682 $6,466 46,587 15
Washington 3 134 332 $4,907 18,867 21
Wisconsin 2 69 93 $668 5,796 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 192 573 $0 37,472 17
Czech Republic 2 62 122 $139 6,751 2
Denmark 1 22 44 $0 2,725 0
Estonia 1 69 137 $0 7,412 0
Finland 1 35 70 $0 4,046 1
France 2 63 162 $0 10,835 0
Mexico 2 117 232 $0 14,849 0
Netherlands 1 63 120 $0 7,206 3
New Zealand 2 105 355 $185 21,706 6
Norway 1 56 110 $0 7,498 0
Spain 1 41 123 $10,790 6,859 46
Sweden 5 210 274 $0 18,691 0
United Kingdom 1 27 27 $0 1,881 0
United States 106 5,962 11,561 $103,016 734,334 316