StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-07-29 to Sunday 2019-08-04, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-07-29
(click to change weeks)
(6,333 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:02 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 78 1,386 3,707 $93,146 229,774 951
FPO 37 158 448 $15,096 31,311 863
MP40 47 430 1,148 $26,113 74,587 928
MP50 28 174 454 $12,039 30,224 911
FP40 9 35 100 $3,462 7,061 820
FP50 2 7 18 $1,255 1,459 835
MP55 4 10 25 $910 1,751 911
MP60 10 47 122 $3,091 9,055 862
FP60 1 1 2 $115 151 720
MA1 70 905 2,095 $0 129,019 918
FA1 32 126 310 $0 22,014 814
MA2 73 1,153 2,569 $0 161,118 885
FA2 26 123 269 $0 20,155 758
MA3 64 868 1,855 $0 120,128 847
FA3 24 75 157 $0 12,214 700

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Arizona 1 14 28 $0 1,664 0
Arkansas 1 76 152 $1,980 9,285 5
California 2 157 453 $3,040 27,579 24
Colorado 4 252 453 $6,196 28,319 8
Connecticut 1 76 150 $905 8,863 7
Florida 1 75 75 $640 4,501 3
Georgia 1 65 253 $500 13,380 9
Idaho 1 48 141 $2,757 8,218 14
Illinois 2 86 156 $590 8,591 8
Indiana 2 137 273 $2,459 16,349 12
Iowa 4 165 323 $1,811 17,580 10
Kansas 2 73 145 $180 8,481 2
Kentucky 2 111 216 $0 15,261 2
Maryland 1 35 70 $1,275 5,062 0
Massachusetts 1 31 62 $1,025 3,985 3
Michigan 5 275 546 $4,395 39,171 17
Minnesota 1 63 123 $1,081 6,568 3
Mississippi 1 66 132 $2,210 7,980 6
Missouri 2 369 990 $16,676 64,106 61
Nevada 1 107 207 $4,625 20,808 3
New Hampshire 1 75 149 $1,840 11,582 2
New Jersey 1 48 94 $335 6,020 2
New Mexico 1 188 554 $9,778 38,335 33
New York 3 226 638 $9,080 40,150 25
North Carolina 2 109 183 $1,177 10,565 8
Ohio 3 180 357 $4,297 27,529 3
Oklahoma 2 57 114 $69 6,459 4
Ontario 2 93 207 $1,152 12,545 4
Oregon 2 113 261 $661 16,669 2
Pennsylvania 4 164 303 $5,067 20,415 22
South Carolina 1 67 134 $485 9,147 3
Tennessee 2 411 1,177 $17,184 79,570 80
Texas 7 333 578 $4,396 36,941 16
Vermont 2 83 233 $127 16,750 3
Virginia 5 248 542 $3,624 32,239 12
Washington 2 185 598 $7,130 38,348 14
Wisconsin 1 266 793 $14,224 47,376 52

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 2 93 207 $1,152 12,545 4
Czech Republic 1 83 247 $0 20,257 6
Denmark 2 50 94 $0 6,063 5
Estonia 1 260 905 $6,246 55,785 16
Finland 9 573 1,229 $6,808 80,433 51
France 1 84 247 $528 17,055 4
Japan 1 45 169 $1,036 10,477 10
Latvia 1 33 96 $972 6,163 0
Mexico 1 6 6 $0 394 0
Norway 1 59 115 $499 7,598 2
Sweden 3 217 791 $6,236 48,939 64
Switzerland 2 61 122 $0 8,113 7
United Kingdom 1 32 125 $0 6,983 0
United States 75 5,034 11,656 $131,819 753,846 478