StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-05-01 to Sunday 2023-05-07, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-05-01
(click to change weeks)
(15,484 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-05-14 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 178 3,037 6,316 $216,323 374,527 946
FPO 66 319 792 $33,389 55,562 847
MP40 84 829 1,814 $52,282 114,887 922
MP50 44 333 758 $22,068 49,880 904
FP40 9 24 61 $1,290 4,156 838
FP50 4 13 29 $863 1,971 807
MP55 3 18 33 $638 2,194 900
FP55 2 2 4 $198 278 825
MP60 18 84 227 $6,622 14,142 898
MP65 1 2 4 $76 278 886
FP65 1 1 3 $110 190 758
MP70 3 10 20 $694 1,436 832
FP70 1 1 2 $38 166 769
MA1 168 2,414 4,919 $0 263,524 908
FA1 78 257 563 $0 40,206 796
MA2 164 2,465 4,826 $0 286,089 886
FA2 45 153 318 $0 22,345 762
MA3 172 3,090 5,878 $0 358,766 850
FA3 62 136 279 $0 21,179 702

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 141 252 $1,384 11,601 0
Alaska 1 70 139 $1,857 8,301 1
Alberta 1 20 40 $0 2,481 0
Arizona 2 390 997 $24,720 58,777 34
Arkansas 3 128 266 $6,179 18,051 17
British Columbia 3 415 1,148 $18,888 68,248 38
California 3 221 535 $43,405 36,061 103
Colorado 5 462 845 $30,095 57,011 71
Connecticut 2 66 106 $582 7,548 0
Delaware 1 71 71 $0 6,859 0
Florida 3 281 997 $3,718 56,657 12
Georgia 6 419 644 $1,148 26,366 5
Idaho 3 190 445 $1,394 30,757 5
Illinois 6 377 652 $2,920 37,160 25
Indiana 10 535 1,179 $2,684 49,358 13
Iowa 1 55 55 $330 3,351 2
Kansas 3 87 151 $526 9,183 3
Kentucky 2 281 780 $440 44,441 6
Louisiana 1 7 14 $0 1,043 0
Maine 1 25 25 $63 1,504 0
Maryland 2 161 301 $0 22,224 1
Massachusetts 2 164 163 $0 9,816 1
Michigan 9 739 1,411 $8,033 80,067 38
Minnesota 2 191 281 $810 16,981 4
Mississippi 3 144 274 $698 16,014 6
Missouri 6 412 617 $3,322 40,011 9
Montana 3 206 382 $5,615 24,058 5
Nebraska 3 143 237 $995 13,963 6
New Brunswick 1 117 351 $1,535 22,310 2
New Hampshire 1 69 138 $6,876 7,982 10
New Jersey 5 260 437 $762 21,117 6
New Mexico 1 110 214 $4,212 15,085 3
New York 2 121 202 $1,824 14,483 4
North Carolina 11 717 1,269 $5,766 56,645 24
Nova Scotia 1 9 5 $0 0 0
Ohio 6 511 1,028 $973 58,320 6
Oklahoma 5 285 532 $8,013 33,078 16
Ontario 1 111 217 $8,183 19,812 13
Oregon 4 223 630 $1,818 40,295 9
Pennsylvania 5 355 619 $1,565 40,670 5
South Carolina 3 267 774 $34,431 47,735 89
South Dakota 1 41 81 $375 5,600 4
Tennessee 4 291 632 $7,050 34,459 22
Texas 22 1,017 1,595 $14,165 99,435 23
Utah 1 95 189 $1,388 12,594 6
Virginia 4 296 747 $3,442 43,230 11
Washington 1 142 281 $3,815 19,694 11
West Virginia 2 149 234 $2,554 14,374 5
Wisconsin 3 398 835 $11,760 55,151 22

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 43 84 $221 3,580 1
Canada 7 672 1,761 $28,606 112,851 53
Croatia 1 3 7 $0 323 0
Czech Republic 2 78 198 $0 10,971 3
Denmark 2 173 418 $26,393 27,657 78
Estonia 1 192 568 $4,486 35,459 25
Finland 10 1,160 2,270 $7,569 147,956 55
France 1 87 259 $1,068 19,143 6
Germany 3 205 515 $0 33,855 16
Iceland 2 136 300 $2,490 20,479 2
Japan 1 63 250 $0 14,444 30
Latvia 2 168 484 $2,568 32,165 3
Netherlands 2 43 86 $0 3,480 0
New Zealand 2 178 424 $921 32,997 6
Norway 9 614 1,130 $5,906 77,011 8
Philippines 1 35 35 $216 2,637 1
Spain 1 61 183 $1,191 12,852 2
Sweden 16 1,167 2,169 $1,341 141,206 8
Switzerland 1 39 78 $0 4,641 0
United Kingdom 4 186 406 $483 26,853 10
United States 169 11,337 22,280 $251,707 1,308,664 643