StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-06-19 to Sunday 2023-06-25, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-06-19
(click to change weeks)
(13,608 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-07-02 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 171 2,617 5,281 $201,171 287,277 944
FPO 68 305 740 $49,473 49,721 853
MP40 73 554 1,232 $30,227 68,144 912
MP50 51 247 605 $13,737 35,876 904
FP40 9 24 70 $1,338 4,420 823
FP50 4 9 19 $438 1,086 854
MP55 2 3 12 $0 254 912
MP60 21 80 218 $3,821 12,143 896
FP60 2 4 8 $53 539 818
MP65 1 5 10 $0 682 858
MP70 1 1 2 $0 149 792
FP70 1 1 2 $0 158 745
MA1 192 2,639 4,537 $0 246,221 904
FA1 86 255 469 $0 33,389 799
MA2 164 2,235 4,255 $0 251,811 882
FA2 62 190 400 $0 26,726 771
MA3 153 2,453 4,325 $0 252,066 849
FA3 67 169 325 $0 23,458 706

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 5 201 330 $69 16,824 2
Alaska 2 107 278 $2,198 18,201 2
Alberta 1 66 198 $0 13,150 0
Arizona 4 156 139 $375 4,407 1
Arkansas 3 193 296 $3,075 17,904 6
British Columbia 3 111 222 $816 13,272 1
California 6 546 1,059 $6,031 62,057 33
Colorado 5 354 518 $3,771 33,336 9
Connecticut 2 64 120 $1,542 7,731 0
Delaware 1 37 73 $340 4,459 2
Florida 2 185 290 $2,222 17,374 6
Georgia 6 371 890 $3,471 51,116 30
Hawaii 1 106 419 $6,312 25,599 7
Illinois 13 940 760 $0 111,301 13
Indiana 5 240 420 $2,861 25,838 12
Iowa 2 188 416 $110,701 26,318 158
Kansas 5 363 754 $7,424 48,037 23
Kentucky 6 276 439 $305 20,279 6
Louisiana 3 88 67 $0 0 0
Maine 2 63 139 $2,377 7,865 8
Manitoba 1 15 30 $0 2,018 0
Maryland 1 80 156 $0 10,041 0
Massachusetts 4 112 160 $104 10,150 0
Michigan 11 555 956 $10,500 52,624 28
Minnesota 2 167 329 $1,369 19,760 3
Mississippi 2 119 237 $812 13,972 6
Missouri 3 272 722 $7,912 44,647 21
Montana 1 155 308 $4,522 16,617 12
Nebraska 3 222 365 $1,833 18,038 3
Nevada 1 89 168 $1,056 11,480 0
New Brunswick 3 73 99 $0 4,355 0
New Hampshire 3 104 192 $1,580 11,133 1
New Jersey 2 78 78 $416 5,357 0
New York 5 314 688 $5,689 33,013 16
Newfoundland and Labrador 2 27 78 $0 1,630 0
North Carolina 10 553 888 $4,610 56,711 15
Nova Scotia 2 56 162 $901 7,725 3
Ohio 11 702 1,306 $1,529 91,059 13
Oklahoma 2 57 111 $165 7,006 0
Ontario 2 182 362 $1,048 22,389 4
Oregon 4 253 499 $2,605 34,731 8
Pennsylvania 10 545 957 $4,564 52,435 19
Saskatchewan 1 146 433 $4,260 26,461 5
South Carolina 5 269 547 $362 27,790 6
South Dakota 2 93 186 $1,090 11,748 3
Tennessee 4 254 466 $5,207 29,144 8
Texas 20 843 1,214 $6,781 69,236 14
Vermont 1 336 979 $20,579 64,587 62
Virginia 10 617 1,038 $10,297 55,617 27
Washington 4 217 534 $3,650 32,831 12
Wisconsin 5 379 705 $4,267 43,609 17
Wyoming 2 29 46 $0 2,873 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 68 210 $0 13,801 5
Canada 15 676 1,584 $7,025 91,000 13
Colombia 1 20 40 $0 3,090 0
Croatia 1 38 123 $0 7,801 0
Denmark 1 123 366 $4,251 23,959 10
Finland 7 640 746 $142 25,141 12
France 3 68 132 $0 8,595 3
Germany 2 87 239 $0 13,431 11
Iceland 2 122 249 $0 16,629 2
Italy 1 40 141 $0 7,136 0
Japan 1 39 157 $0 8,020 4
Lithuania 1 47 141 $0 9,559 0
Malaysia 1 32 62 $0 4,340 4
Netherlands 1 40 78 $0 3,537 0
Norway 3 517 1,196 $33,940 66,397 109
Sweden 10 622 1,073 $76 69,635 6
United Kingdom 3 160 552 $316 27,784 4
United States 201 11,892 21,242 $254,573 1,324,855 612