StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-11-08 to Sunday 2021-11-14, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-11-08
(click to change weeks)
(6,695 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:13 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 90 902 1,795 $61,066 103,443 945
FPO 34 96 200 $6,661 12,217 861
MP40 42 236 528 $19,738 31,477 937
MP50 18 87 203 $8,601 12,385 925
FP40 2 9 18 $972 1,197 829
FP50 1 1 2 $105 126 866
MP55 3 4 6 $511 405 909
FP55 1 3 6 $385 420 789
MP60 8 27 57 $2,456 3,689 879
FP60 2 4 8 $420 508 827
MP70 2 3 7 $303 446 839
MA1 99 1,059 2,143 $0 128,714 917
FA1 43 124 241 $0 16,491 807
MA2 99 1,245 2,312 $0 145,766 885
FA2 33 96 182 $0 12,742 753
MA3 83 1,501 2,626 $0 172,535 839
FA3 34 103 200 $0 14,377 720

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 171 341 $4,602 20,614 8
Arizona 1 124 236 $3,873 14,913 2
Arkansas 1 226 666 $11,119 38,613 39
British Columbia 1 62 121 $423 7,399 4
California 3 158 462 $0 27,810 0
Colorado 2 113 180 $2,026 10,535 4
Florida 2 200 589 $7,688 35,645 26
Georgia 4 391 589 $5,332 46,543 11
Hawaii 1 56 154 $1,540 9,835 6
Illinois 2 63 126 $0 8,534 0
Indiana 5 257 499 $1,025 35,716 4
Kansas 2 160 227 $1,541 14,641 6
Kentucky 1 57 112 $220 6,824 1
Louisiana 1 63 124 $2,041 7,564 6
Maine 1 44 88 $1,940 5,120 2
Maryland 1 73 143 $1,350 9,146 2
Massachusetts 2 171 240 $2,456 16,391 4
Michigan 2 115 227 $442 13,358 6
Missouri 2 137 196 $4,588 14,179 8
Nebraska 1 31 31 $50 2,738 0
New Jersey 1 64 116 $0 6,639 0
New Mexico 1 48 94 $1,030 5,563 1
New York 1 92 92 $242 6,527 0
North Carolina 10 596 1,227 $5,794 75,033 28
Ohio 2 93 159 $375 9,231 3
Oklahoma 2 164 363 $1,360 20,442 3
Oregon 1 70 70 $286 4,189 2
Pennsylvania 2 84 167 $2,522 11,211 3
Rhode Island 1 92 90 $160 5,827 0
South Carolina 3 215 542 $8,451 33,072 30
Tennessee 2 122 275 $2,528 17,077 13
Texas 16 1,008 1,852 $17,294 117,761 52
Virginia 5 295 550 $5,488 34,628 9
Washington 1 84 84 $0 5,035 0
Wisconsin 2 204 294 $1,079 18,119 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 18 353 691 $559 47,177 4
Canada 1 62 121 $423 7,399 4
Croatia 1 20 40 $0 2,039 0
Denmark 3 198 303 $500 19,838 3
Estonia 1 61 122 $0 6,781 1
Finland 1 85 170 $0 9,172 3
New Zealand 1 30 60 $105 3,650 1
Poland 1 31 91 $0 5,833 0
Serbia 1 25 49 $0 2,201 0
Spain 1 102 299 $1,189 18,387 8
Sweden 3 171 232 $0 15,166 0
United Kingdom 1 48 96 $0 4,491 1
United States 88 5,841 11,205 $98,442 709,073 282