StatMando Monday

From Monday 2015-07-13 to Sunday 2015-07-19, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2015-07-13
(click to change weeks)
(3,356 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:46 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 48 885 2,187 $84,422 127,631 955
FPO 23 62 160 $5,729 11,029 879
MA1 45 642 1,493 $0 88,884 911
FA1 20 50 113 $0 7,778 778
MA2 46 686 1,593 $0 99,768 875
FA2 20 53 122 $0 9,368 701
MA3 37 352 772 $0 51,340 835
FA3 10 17 38 $0 3,256 653

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 44 88 $725 4,430 0
Alaska 1 41 82 $438 4,534 1
Arkansas 1 66 132 $1,454 7,300 3
British Columbia 1 34 102 $1,610 6,059 3
California 2 226 631 $5,760 37,216 24
Colorado 1 64 126 $3,977 9,119 7
Connecticut 1 63 126 $493 7,548 0
Georgia 3 114 302 $1,530 17,668 8
Idaho 1 83 244 $4,535 15,398 7
Illinois 2 271 537 $3,460 36,950 11
Indiana 2 92 181 $1,570 10,536 10
Iowa 2 113 320 $3,909 19,223 21
Maryland 1 66 130 $922 8,588 0
Massachusetts 1 73 153 $1,456 8,741 2
Michigan 4 78 155 $460 9,185 2
Minnesota 2 89 178 $1,266 10,396 6
Missouri 1 78 155 $1,330 9,477 5
Nebraska 1 40 80 $185 5,003 3
Nevada 1 71 141 $1,331 8,656 1
New Jersey 1 35 70 $340 4,619 4
New York 1 93 185 $1,490 12,070 7
North Carolina 2 114 367 $2,575 21,254 27
Ohio 2 121 239 $2,407 14,187 9
Oklahoma 1 83 162 $770 9,950 1
Ontario 2 65 253 $2,162 14,882 4
Oregon 1 119 337 $1,821 20,015 13
Pennsylvania 3 167 331 $1,690 21,861 18
South Dakota 1 53 106 $517 5,824 0
Tennessee 1 71 141 $926 8,215 2
Texas 3 179 416 $3,567 25,962 10
Washington 2 180 530 $13,355 32,609 20
Wisconsin 2 136 270 $550 19,755 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 3 99 355 $3,772 20,941 7
Finland 2 148 499 $40,072 32,654 161
Norway 1 49 95 $524 6,248 0
Sweden 4 191 399 $1,311 23,618 7
United States 48 3,023 6,915 $64,809 426,289 223