StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-09-28 to Sunday 2020-10-04, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-09-28
(click to change weeks)
(6,575 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:07 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 82 1,506 3,256 $116,403 202,585 943
FPO 37 123 303 $15,065 21,188 861
MP40 52 419 915 $20,626 60,258 913
MP50 29 169 360 $11,204 23,169 910
FP40 11 28 61 $944 4,585 797
FP50 2 4 8 $0 605 768
MP55 4 27 47 $240 3,005 849
FP55 1 1 2 $0 178 708
MP60 14 43 93 $1,458 6,330 843
MP65 2 12 26 $825 1,825 834
MP70 1 1 2 $0 134 820
MA1 68 1,155 2,624 $0 170,148 917
FA1 39 130 296 $0 21,648 802
MA2 67 1,207 2,541 $0 163,593 888
FA2 27 80 174 $0 13,496 759
MA3 63 1,027 2,166 $0 141,362 844
FA3 23 77 162 $0 12,274 708

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 50 100 $336 6,129 0
Alaska 1 63 125 $765 8,218 0
Arizona 1 43 128 $0 7,776 1
Arkansas 2 256 761 $40,902 48,517 109
Colorado 3 229 540 $10,305 36,045 31
Connecticut 1 63 126 $190 7,861 1
Florida 2 239 238 $574 13,985 3
Georgia 4 192 353 $61 21,211 2
Illinois 2 113 226 $870 13,922 8
Indiana 5 389 771 $7,380 49,517 29
Iowa 2 128 250 $1,210 17,618 6
Kansas 1 56 112 $1,035 7,773 0
Kentucky 2 151 297 $1,610 18,722 6
Massachusetts 1 130 387 $0 27,158 7
Michigan 2 178 353 $3,322 20,839 14
Minnesota 2 128 256 $1,250 15,079 4
Mississippi 1 167 489 $8,180 29,818 28
Missouri 1 69 137 $1,993 9,527 3
Nevada 1 89 173 $3,094 16,050 6
New Hampshire 1 113 226 $2,595 14,105 6
New Jersey 1 61 121 $405 8,033 2
New York 3 189 435 $7,350 29,975 26
North Carolina 3 435 1,153 $12,676 72,868 57
Nova Scotia 1 71 213 $1,692 17,723 1
Ohio 2 134 265 $1,207 17,213 4
Oregon 2 131 262 $1,173 15,749 8
Pennsylvania 5 305 609 $5,466 41,607 27
Tennessee 1 85 255 $2,160 15,965 4
Texas 8 862 1,946 $37,253 122,019 109
Utah 2 133 238 $2,285 20,339 7
Vermont 1 65 129 $475 8,111 1
Virginia 3 285 705 $1,802 46,221 13
Washington 2 126 252 $1,235 15,436 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 62 122 $0 9,009 1
Belgium 1 22 63 $0 4,344 2
Canada 1 71 213 $1,692 17,723 1
Czech Republic 2 104 290 $1,192 18,534 11
Denmark 1 48 96 $0 5,353 2
Estonia 1 105 205 $0 14,697 0
Finland 7 413 805 $2,181 58,167 7
France 1 27 44 $0 3,594 0
Germany 4 133 300 $0 15,465 8
Italy 1 8 24 $0 1,597 0
Lithuania 1 48 96 $283 6,994 1
Norway 6 235 409 $1,313 29,285 2
Sweden 5 249 436 $945 27,457 7
United Kingdom 1 37 74 $0 4,840 2
United States 69 5,657 12,418 $159,159 803,406 526