StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-08-20 to Sunday 2018-08-26, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-08-20
(click to change weeks)
(5,002 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:58 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 68 1,143 2,670 $96,184 152,794 953
FPO 26 86 245 $10,030 16,175 867
MP40 38 322 793 $20,704 50,222 929
MP50 28 157 381 $10,199 24,022 919
FP40 5 25 61 $1,203 4,711 807
FP50 1 3 9 $126 766 807
MP60 10 31 73 $1,961 5,054 876
FP60 1 1 2 $115 185 810
MP65 1 2 4 $130 333 884
FP65 1 1 2 $0 213 696
MP70 1 3 9 $126 822 758
MA1 62 775 1,730 $0 106,732 919
FA1 29 79 156 $0 11,832 795
MA2 62 835 1,856 $0 118,096 881
FA2 23 66 129 $0 9,717 747
MA3 56 605 1,331 $0 89,516 839
FA3 23 58 115 $0 9,231 696

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Arizona 1 13 39 $0 2,123 1
Arkansas 1 27 24 $26 1,830 0
California 4 434 975 $13,038 65,891 38
Colorado 2 127 384 $3,360 23,143 14
Connecticut 1 51 102 $971 6,483 0
Delaware 1 47 94 $881 5,831 7
Florida 1 67 134 $0 8,036 1
Georgia 1 62 124 $555 9,149 0
Idaho 2 84 208 $2,545 12,618 5
Illinois 3 142 281 $967 18,776 4
Indiana 1 58 172 $2,170 11,579 3
Iowa 3 174 346 $1,877 22,616 10
Kansas 1 136 392 $5,831 26,792 10
Kentucky 1 53 106 $320 7,381 2
Maryland 1 62 124 $250 7,355 1
Massachusetts 1 187 548 $47,085 34,291 173
Michigan 2 83 164 $550 9,377 0
Minnesota 1 29 58 $435 3,185 4
Missouri 4 233 460 $3,997 29,314 12
Montana 1 37 74 $625 4,224 1
Nebraska 2 49 95 $1,147 5,721 1
New Hampshire 1 18 36 $320 2,494 0
New Jersey 1 15 30 $0 1,637 0
New Mexico 1 112 220 $8,030 18,391 9
New York 1 68 136 $565 7,936 1
North Carolina 2 264 878 $6,028 50,554 31
Ohio 2 130 260 $1,282 17,105 5
Oklahoma 1 29 55 $38 3,257 2
Ontario 2 81 111 $0 7,168 2
Oregon 2 132 373 $3,964 22,587 26
Pennsylvania 3 204 407 $3,441 26,390 13
South Dakota 1 28 87 $1,130 5,164 7
Tennessee 3 209 535 $3,874 29,731 17
Texas 4 272 535 $5,243 31,664 31
Utah 1 88 172 $3,015 10,939 3
Vermont 1 66 130 $647 7,690 0
Virginia 2 83 165 $1,120 10,054 6
Washington 1 131 291 $3,035 17,926 12
West Virginia 1 27 53 $345 3,064 0
Wisconsin 3 217 432 $4,386 33,679 12

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 50 144 $658 10,425 1
Belgium 1 19 38 $0 2,774 1
Canada 2 81 111 $0 7,168 2
Denmark 1 28 56 $0 3,069 0
Finland 6 308 677 $6,104 48,606 16
Germany 1 35 70 $0 3,876 0
Japan 1 16 46 $261 2,235 2
Norway 2 139 367 $797 19,914 3
Sweden 2 131 181 $143 6,111 4
Switzerland 1 27 80 $0 5,218 0
Ukraine 1 13 43 $0 2,668 0
United Kingdom 1 59 183 $0 10,933 5
United States 66 4,248 9,699 $133,093 615,977 462