StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-12-09 to Sunday 2024-12-15, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-12-09
(click to change weeks)
(5,013 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-12-22 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 80 726 1,375 $33,574 72,693 952
FPO 23 59 134 $3,936 8,576 868
MP40 47 262 524 $12,354 28,706 931
MP50 32 158 372 $9,649 18,698 912
FP40 3 9 10 $87 787 803
FP50 1 1 3 $118 179 773
MP60 13 37 66 $1,273 4,313 887
FP60 1 2 6 $348 397 831
MP65 1 1 2 $105 96 953
MP70 2 5 10 $46 654 828
MA1 80 894 1,689 $0 79,933 900
FA1 30 73 144 $0 9,646 789
MA2 74 729 1,326 $0 75,069 885
FA2 13 24 47 $0 3,310 763
MA3 77 837 1,473 $0 90,629 857
FA3 16 29 56 $0 3,902 723

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 141 254 $2,982 14,559 16
Alaska 1 21 43 $0 1,512 1
Arizona 4 300 809 $19,934 27,435 49
Arkansas 2 80 137 $270 7,582 2
California 5 369 705 $730 36,915 28
Colorado 2 72 97 $300 4,887 1
Florida 8 498 1,062 $13,252 64,912 50
Georgia 7 328 642 $2,397 41,076 3
Illinois 1 176 177 $0 10,042 5
Indiana 2 76 113 $114 4,428 2
Kansas 1 49 90 $0 0 8
Louisiana 2 122 248 $276 16,025 3
Maryland 3 186 226 $294 9,388 4
Michigan 2 51 76 $274 4,252 0
Mississippi 2 127 253 $756 16,884 4
Missouri 5 170 307 $877 10,716 4
Nebraska 1 31 31 $185 1,993 1
New York 2 53 100 $0 6,175 0
North Carolina 10 604 1,083 $2,156 70,233 25
Ohio 2 124 125 $182 8,827 0
Oklahoma 4 321 633 $4,186 40,322 16
Ontario 2 57 58 $0 4,200 0
Oregon 3 154 307 $1,518 18,065 14
South Carolina 5 257 509 $1,540 29,504 10
Tennessee 2 0 11 $0 0 0
Texas 8 308 492 $4,656 31,701 23
Virginia 2 77 152 $345 9,537 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 29 127 $0 0 0
Brazil 1 7 14 $0 864 0
Canada 2 57 58 $0 4,200 0
Chinese Taipei 1 37 132 $1,258 6,910 8
Denmark 2 110 163 $0 9,615 1
France 3 78 158 $0 9,715 5
Japan 1 12 25 $0 1,338 0
Mexico 1 21 22 $0 1,270 0
Netherlands 1 57 115 $0 7,186 2
New Zealand 2 103 490 $283 18,143 6
Philippines 1 26 27 $0 1,657 0
Puerto Rico 2 98 257 $2,725 14,507 14
Sweden 1 45 45 $0 2,910 0
United States 88 4,695 8,682 $57,224 486,970 273