StatMando Monday

From Monday 2016-05-30 to Sunday 2016-06-05, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2016-05-30
(click to change weeks)
(5,058 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:49 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 64 1,222 3,173 $101,488 192,532 945
FPO 34 118 344 $9,644 24,709 835
MA1 58 1,024 2,574 $0 161,992 914
FA1 25 95 257 $0 19,528 794
MA2 52 886 2,084 $0 135,704 878
FA2 25 90 239 $0 18,998 730
MA3 40 478 1,087 $0 71,254 840
FA3 14 54 134 $0 10,148 701

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Arizona 1 115 221 $8,170 19,576 5
Arkansas 1 89 354 $1,665 21,095 9
California 4 373 897 $15,697 64,188 31
Colorado 1 94 276 $4,385 19,709 8
Georgia 2 99 265 $2,106 15,638 14
Illinois 4 288 575 $2,102 38,514 7
Indiana 3 143 286 $2,915 16,429 11
Iowa 5 218 498 $1,693 28,634 7
Kansas 2 173 421 $2,664 25,997 10
Kentucky 2 82 164 $0 9,954 1
Maine 1 66 140 $1,179 8,084 8
Maryland 1 40 79 $340 4,227 1
Massachusetts 3 205 430 $4,927 25,770 12
Michigan 5 388 954 $4,812 60,737 21
Minnesota 3 226 449 $2,365 30,809 5
Mississippi 1 44 87 $1,385 5,369 2
Montana 1 94 284 $10,075 17,670 23
Nebraska 1 47 93 $330 6,409 0
New Jersey 1 58 113 $800 7,190 3
New York 1 67 132 $1,785 9,972 0
North Carolina 1 79 305 $2,039 17,881 10
Ohio 2 155 308 $1,230 19,325 1
Oklahoma 2 127 299 $415 17,888 1
Ontario 1 102 392 $4,969 24,678 14
Oregon 3 332 973 $15,613 68,246 52
Pennsylvania 1 84 164 $1,745 10,032 8
Tennessee 1 240 737 $9,464 41,838 27
Texas 4 316 853 $8,538 52,145 28
Virginia 1 64 128 $1,826 9,874 2
Washington 1 141 418 $8,254 25,339 24
Wisconsin 1 33 65 $120 3,361 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 1 102 392 $4,969 24,678 14
Croatia 1 15 53 $0 3,266 0
Czech Republic 1 30 103 $0 6,511 1
Finland 4 294 718 $22,397 50,254 53
Germany 2 80 240 $0 13,416 6
Latvia 1 53 176 $617 13,618 0
Netherlands 1 32 63 $0 3,819 0
Norway 2 90 181 $1,149 12,050 3
Sweden 2 158 398 $4,290 26,527 24
United States 60 4,480 10,968 $118,639 701,900 333