StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-10-24 to Sunday 2022-10-30, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-10-24
(click to change weeks)
(9,920 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-11-03 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 130 1,766 3,940 $130,139 236,065 943
FPO 55 171 424 $14,358 29,831 840
MP40 51 422 1,003 $32,995 60,245 919
MP50 44 269 656 $22,472 40,504 899
FP40 6 11 32 $1,152 1,979 790
FP50 3 5 8 $278 597 823
MP55 3 8 9 $128 445 886
MP60 17 49 112 $3,630 6,789 872
FP60 2 2 4 $92 264 791
MP70 4 6 10 $73 412 757
MA1 126 1,334 2,552 $0 155,669 910
FA1 54 146 317 $0 22,413 783
MA2 120 2,015 4,094 $0 256,633 888
FA2 44 138 305 $0 21,707 771
MA3 115 1,879 3,411 $0 219,982 844
FA3 45 127 244 $0 18,362 693

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 260 657 $8,466 39,697 21
Alaska 1 37 74 $313 4,271 2
Arizona 1 68 134 $0 7,977 0
British Columbia 2 202 402 $1,176 27,100 7
California 10 727 1,504 $14,103 94,260 50
Colorado 2 172 290 $1,196 22,076 11
Connecticut 3 140 248 $3,246 15,171 4
Florida 7 730 1,442 $2,611 89,134 15
Georgia 5 242 467 $4,826 33,127 15
Hawaii 1 26 78 $1,426 4,667 0
Illinois 5 347 453 $205 27,126 10
Indiana 4 225 409 $336 29,455 2
Kansas 3 175 349 $2,429 21,685 7
Kentucky 4 158 313 $1,324 18,503 3
Louisiana 1 66 125 $0 7,695 0
Maine 1 47 89 $1,370 5,668 2
Maryland 1 42 42 $240 2,818 0
Massachusetts 3 160 303 $805 19,247 2
Michigan 3 208 475 $7,249 27,921 31
Minnesota 1 55 107 $360 5,740 2
Missouri 5 264 465 $2,346 29,396 4
Nebraska 2 45 45 $50 3,780 0
Nevada 1 202 588 $6,697 40,115 17
New Hampshire 4 146 258 $1,938 15,983 3
New Jersey 1 2 2 $0 112 0
New Mexico 2 71 209 $3,042 12,607 5
New York 4 158 208 $768 13,154 4
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 24 70 $0 4,146 0
North Carolina 7 521 698 $2,766 42,403 14
Ohio 4 317 589 $3,276 35,872 7
Oklahoma 4 182 325 $2,658 20,985 2
Ontario 4 198 386 $0 23,849 6
Oregon 3 162 316 $4,740 17,778 26
Pennsylvania 5 289 538 $1,470 33,505 12
South Carolina 3 282 755 $12,680 49,519 36
South Dakota 1 31 62 $360 4,716 0
Tennessee 4 206 408 $2,467 25,003 6
Texas 13 1,374 3,371 $72,843 208,229 71
Utah 1 139 139 $690 8,159 5
Virginia 5 206 430 $27,474 30,589 95
Washington 1 93 184 $390 13,620 1
Wisconsin 3 178 308 $3,428 19,732 18

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 128 382 $1,447 30,690 8
Belgium 1 32 60 $0 3,869 2
Canada 7 424 858 $1,176 55,095 13
Colombia 1 11 22 $0 1,629 0
Croatia 1 58 185 $0 14,528 6
Czech Republic 2 118 235 $441 15,717 5
Denmark 1 43 85 $0 5,716 0
Finland 2 107 213 $1,107 15,258 4
France 1 30 59 $0 3,859 1
Germany 5 167 399 $0 19,309 9
Iceland 1 27 26 $0 1,392 0
Italy 1 57 172 $0 10,699 3
Latvia 1 37 74 $0 6,108 3
Mexico 1 23 23 $0 1,572 0
Netherlands 1 36 101 $0 3,731 1
New Zealand 1 85 257 $0 15,758 8
Norway 2 80 134 $558 8,496 2
Sweden 3 166 270 $0 18,017 0
Switzerland 2 36 36 $0 2,255 0
United Kingdom 2 55 165 $0 9,627 1
United States 132 8,753 17,457 $200,588 1,101,495 503