StatMando Monday

From Monday 2015-06-08 to Sunday 2015-06-14, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2015-06-08
(click to change weeks)
(4,025 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:46 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 57 923 2,374 $71,027 139,071 948
FPO 24 100 285 $8,928 19,726 844
MA1 48 804 2,127 $0 131,108 907
FA1 17 74 212 $0 15,155 787
MA2 47 790 1,817 $0 115,882 876
FA2 13 36 84 $0 6,654 736
MA3 41 570 1,199 $0 79,426 837
FA3 15 42 90 $0 6,512 671

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 171 535 $8,873 29,967 18
Alaska 1 33 129 $400 7,025 1
Alberta 1 41 141 $1,430 7,372 6
Arkansas 1 83 166 $928 10,566 2
British Columbia 1 8 16 $150 914 0
California 2 131 357 $3,300 23,503 9
Florida 1 110 326 $3,812 25,485 6
Georgia 2 98 196 $1,520 11,927 5
Idaho 1 65 192 $3,655 14,524 4
Illinois 3 162 359 $1,838 20,723 7
Indiana 2 136 272 $4,044 17,619 11
Iowa 1 79 156 $794 8,475 3
Kansas 1 26 50 $0 2,994 0
Kentucky 1 22 43 $1,836 2,879 0
Maryland 2 67 132 $2,071 7,945 11
Massachusetts 1 132 463 $0 29,636 5
Michigan 5 254 498 $2,683 37,048 10
Minnesota 2 92 196 $1,238 12,033 6
Missouri 2 218 579 $5,287 35,846 13
New Mexico 1 38 150 $525 8,504 9
North Carolina 2 140 416 $2,321 22,937 29
Ohio 2 165 324 $1,915 21,585 4
Oklahoma 1 119 235 $2,246 14,262 9
Ontario 1 21 42 $720 2,999 0
Oregon 2 299 1,026 $40,970 66,566 211
Pennsylvania 1 90 180 $830 11,222 2
Texas 5 190 486 $3,459 28,529 14
Virginia 1 58 115 $895 8,062 2
West Virginia 1 48 91 $638 5,699 1
Wisconsin 2 89 178 $235 10,153 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 3 70 199 $2,300 11,285 6
Czech Republic 1 48 161 $0 10,589 0
Denmark 1 60 178 $285 8,269 8
Finland 9 558 1,169 $964 76,395 8
France 1 27 47 $0 2,622 0
Japan 1 36 152 $446 7,479 3
Lithuania 1 38 129 $948 8,139 2
Norway 1 85 306 $3,998 20,648 12
Sweden 5 208 437 $1,589 26,914 12
United Kingdom 1 11 22 $47 1,210 0
United States 48 3,115 7,850 $96,313 495,714 392