StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-04-08 to Sunday 2019-04-14, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-04-08
(click to change weeks)
(5,168 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:00 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 71 1,104 2,572 $82,964 153,713 948
FPO 33 132 344 $12,518 23,056 863
MP40 39 300 697 $12,043 41,960 923
MP50 19 136 338 $6,759 20,447 911
FP40 3 9 20 $243 1,295 825
FP50 2 5 10 $85 646 802
MP55 2 7 17 $321 1,064 880
MP60 8 22 67 $947 4,072 882
MP65 1 1 2 $50 143 901
MA1 63 927 2,102 $0 131,628 916
FA1 29 88 192 $0 14,560 802
MA2 62 981 2,141 $0 139,015 884
FA2 24 71 165 $0 12,510 753
MA3 57 763 1,564 $0 110,027 840
FA3 17 40 73 $0 5,791 698

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 64 187 $1,550 12,395 2
Arkansas 2 288 852 $44,021 53,211 143
British Columbia 1 39 78 $498 4,799 1
California 3 292 984 $11,713 64,712 51
Colorado 2 214 543 $738 32,544 3
Delaware 2 146 287 $1,563 17,466 9
Florida 4 269 764 $1,985 51,680 12
Georgia 1 79 231 $1,336 14,724 11
Idaho 1 65 130 $656 7,398 2
Illinois 1 50 89 $0 4,833 2
Indiana 2 110 246 $2,665 18,971 5
Iowa 4 190 378 $2,203 23,026 12
Kansas 2 133 261 $2,868 18,081 8
Kentucky 2 58 114 $595 7,785 5
Maryland 1 99 197 $0 11,479 1
Massachusetts 1 41 41 $270 2,742 0
Michigan 2 153 295 $1,081 20,057 3
Minnesota 1 15 15 $75 950 0
New Hampshire 2 106 191 $598 11,215 1
New Jersey 1 66 132 $690 8,315 5
New Mexico 1 43 85 $1,971 6,097 5
New York 1 67 134 $901 9,173 1
North Carolina 4 216 398 $2,577 24,426 15
North Dakota 1 31 80 $1,550 5,668 9
Ohio 1 150 295 $6,854 18,142 22
Oklahoma 2 68 136 $972 8,010 8
Oregon 2 183 360 $1,640 25,505 16
Pennsylvania 3 200 397 $1,770 26,471 11
South Carolina 1 76 146 $0 10,183 1
Tennessee 1 32 64 $540 3,775 3
Texas 4 211 455 $6,806 29,513 17
Utah 1 43 86 $775 5,365 3
Virginia 3 229 449 $4,430 28,166 19
Washington 1 69 132 $550 8,690 2
West Virginia 1 28 27 $0 2,413 0
Wisconsin 1 101 201 $4,005 13,959 11

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 1 39 78 $498 4,799 1
China 1 19 56 $0 3,483 0
Denmark 1 58 174 $766 11,041 4
Estonia 1 105 206 $0 15,875 0
Finland 3 200 397 $1,885 26,159 3
France 1 60 179 $434 13,083 3
Germany 2 63 188 $0 8,846 3
Japan 1 29 131 $406 6,924 7
Latvia 1 54 108 $0 7,196 1
Lithuania 1 39 78 $403 6,048 1
Netherlands 1 24 23 $0 1,780 0
Norway 1 52 104 $0 7,195 0
Slovakia 1 85 299 $0 18,440 7
Slovenia 1 20 44 $0 2,490 0
Sweden 5 259 478 $792 31,274 11
Switzerland 1 56 162 $870 10,653 9
United States 64 4,267 9,442 $109,948 612,059 418