StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-04-29 to Sunday 2024-05-05, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-04-29
(click to change weeks)
(15,645 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-05-12 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 182 2,965 6,503 $157,803 351,400 945
FPO 77 310 729 $31,926 51,350 856
MP40 98 931 2,140 $39,749 122,749 918
MP50 44 315 765 $15,103 45,387 908
FP40 13 22 46 $756 3,230 843
FP50 5 16 40 $1,122 2,921 829
MP55 3 17 48 $1,552 2,970 935
FP55 1 1 3 $43 263 787
MP60 28 109 255 $5,369 16,982 887
FP60 4 6 12 $390 894 798
MP65 2 6 15 $356 1,140 859
FP65 1 1 3 $0 304 680
MP70 6 17 42 $793 3,117 848
FP70 1 1 3 $43 268 773
MA1 180 2,314 5,135 $0 248,214 909
FA1 74 207 492 $0 29,939 797
MA2 170 2,369 4,902 $0 271,100 886
FA2 65 165 333 $0 24,300 769
MA3 182 3,068 6,109 $0 349,796 850
FA3 54 123 229 $0 16,310 715

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 7 285 593 $4,022 27,998 16
Alaska 1 72 142 $0 8,748 4
Alberta 2 64 131 $0 8,119 0
Arizona 4 163 418 $643 9,995 4
Arkansas 1 35 36 $60 2,104 0
British Columbia 2 175 524 $1,624 29,599 9
California 9 747 2,167 $11,081 90,147 72
Colorado 4 310 536 $5,901 29,795 16
Delaware 2 34 136 $0 0 0
Florida 9 536 1,150 $4,375 71,366 21
Georgia 8 413 739 $1,300 33,552 14
Idaho 2 143 366 $3,654 23,766 15
Illinois 8 522 923 $3,289 38,292 20
Indiana 6 232 565 $853 28,063 8
Iowa 4 325 552 $1,578 33,145 7
Kansas 10 887 2,102 $86,877 115,866 243
Kentucky 3 306 772 $2,944 50,034 20
Louisiana 2 33 106 $476 4,001 4
Maine 1 102 206 $970 13,201 4
Manitoba 2 43 88 $0 5,403 0
Maryland 1 16 34 $162 2,329 0
Massachusetts 2 206 298 $0 18,516 0
Michigan 10 617 1,348 $4,614 73,452 19
Minnesota 3 232 416 $2,837 28,950 7
Mississippi 1 34 112 $0 0 1
Missouri 3 225 227 $1,114 14,241 4
Montana 2 169 335 $6,057 23,327 12
Nebraska 1 46 46 $150 3,119 0
New Brunswick 1 116 348 $2,104 21,557 2
New Hampshire 2 130 257 $648 15,175 6
New Jersey 2 84 171 $1,315 11,041 3
New Mexico 1 120 241 $3,844 17,367 8
New York 5 275 490 $2,946 31,753 6
North Carolina 11 574 1,139 $3,172 38,089 12
Ohio 6 289 581 $902 29,992 4
Oklahoma 2 78 159 $775 9,379 1
Ontario 1 185 361 $4,620 32,697 14
Oregon 6 212 510 $288 28,925 12
Pennsylvania 9 485 875 $2,734 56,952 10
Quebec 1 147 292 $1,687 19,568 3
South Carolina 2 155 428 $9,866 25,241 42
South Dakota 2 118 179 $930 12,992 5
Tennessee 7 249 359 $1,271 19,979 10
Texas 16 890 1,753 $19,444 105,394 77
Utah 2 122 217 $60 14,427 7
Virginia 5 324 765 $2,529 45,159 7
Washington 4 313 596 $623 37,589 9
West Virginia 2 103 104 $0 6,665 3
Wisconsin 4 377 910 $10,735 59,315 26

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 2 105 193 $0 12,513 1
Belgium 1 117 343 $22,198 20,942 90
Canada 9 730 1,744 $10,035 116,943 28
Czech Republic 3 143 409 $2,155 26,345 10
Denmark 1 90 282 $2,220 15,085 12
Estonia 3 220 317 $0 23,837 3
Finland 9 1,037 2,131 $7,121 137,797 62
France 2 65 131 $0 8,444 2
Germany 3 174 466 $0 30,754 23
Iceland 1 113 350 $0 0 1
Latvia 1 183 543 $3,005 34,945 11
Mexico 1 31 96 $0 6,101 0
Netherlands 1 34 70 $0 3,974 0
New Zealand 3 183 660 $889 33,412 8
Norway 14 1,030 1,880 $2,091 122,590 7
Poland 1 59 178 $0 13,000 0
South Africa 1 26 112 $0 0 0
Spain 1 48 146 $0 9,521 4
Sweden 11 807 1,666 $252 107,737 51
United Kingdom 2 98 234 $0 15,248 0
United States 192 11,588 24,059 $205,039 1,309,441 759