StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-07-27 to Sunday 2020-08-02, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-07-27
(click to change weeks)
(6,734 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:06 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 79 1,586 3,714 $107,245 216,854 947
FPO 40 147 377 $9,919 25,046 844
MP40 47 415 999 $24,256 61,628 918
MP50 22 99 242 $4,479 15,303 907
FP40 5 8 17 $478 1,250 832
MP55 1 1 1 $5 81 813
MP60 10 29 61 $1,139 4,008 863
MP65 1 2 2 $30 124 866
FP70 1 2 4 $110 422 545
MA1 69 1,139 2,259 $0 134,610 917
FA1 33 92 184 $0 13,449 800
MA2 73 1,254 2,444 $0 153,147 882
FA2 29 85 173 $0 12,401 765
MA3 69 1,188 2,198 $0 143,766 845
FA3 25 59 114 $0 8,929 711

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 136 263 $4,596 20,490 11
Alaska 1 62 197 $3,305 12,493 7
Alberta 1 36 71 $0 3,914 0
Colorado 2 221 324 $520 20,647 5
Florida 1 148 281 $888 18,852 9
Georgia 1 68 133 $0 7,230 0
Idaho 1 113 327 $4,925 19,719 26
Illinois 2 96 94 $714 5,249 1
Indiana 4 332 682 $5,590 46,256 22
Iowa 2 202 200 $891 12,163 3
Kansas 3 120 240 $915 13,728 9
Kentucky 2 285 485 $4,950 29,312 16
Louisiana 1 112 222 $2,250 15,875 7
Maine 1 136 261 $2,407 14,385 12
Maryland 1 114 225 $1,230 14,133 4
Massachusetts 1 75 150 $2,370 8,680 12
Michigan 7 490 1,168 $17,777 71,103 60
Minnesota 1 102 203 $735 13,050 1
Mississippi 1 44 88 $318 5,618 0
Missouri 3 170 416 $21,059 22,909 38
Montana 1 11 20 $152 1,141 0
Nebraska 2 120 119 $388 6,737 1
New Hampshire 1 129 258 $2,052 15,034 8
New Jersey 1 137 394 $3,548 26,911 15
New York 2 141 340 $2,699 19,213 12
North Carolina 3 188 338 $2,571 20,970 13
Ohio 3 216 421 $2,366 28,658 7
Oklahoma 1 141 416 $9,048 26,045 23
Ontario 1 44 167 $949 11,679 4
Oregon 2 164 410 $5,037 23,388 21
Pennsylvania 2 101 202 $0 13,353 0
Tennessee 2 126 241 $1,138 13,491 6
Texas 5 380 612 $4,086 36,739 18
Virginia 4 247 302 $491 20,001 7
Washington 1 69 201 $0 12,332 2
Wisconsin 4 392 953 $18,545 59,562 60

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 73 214 $0 13,480 8
Belgium 1 41 79 $0 5,420 4
Canada 2 80 238 $949 15,593 4
Croatia 1 25 83 $0 4,520 0
Czech Republic 1 54 161 $0 13,353 3
Estonia 2 154 307 $1,176 18,132 2
Finland 8 657 1,285 $8,131 81,989 70
Germany 1 54 216 $0 12,730 7
Lithuania 1 59 177 $910 11,923 1
Norway 1 144 497 $7,282 31,610 20
Sweden 7 459 913 $1,652 56,951 20
United States 70 5,588 11,186 $127,561 695,467 436