StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-06-12 to Sunday 2023-06-18, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-06-12
(click to change weeks)
(13,362 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-06-25 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 163 2,320 4,869 $184,575 282,633 952
FPO 63 263 605 $42,260 42,883 865
MP40 74 575 1,288 $36,221 78,837 932
MP50 38 222 521 $16,868 32,142 914
FP40 11 22 53 $1,949 3,722 846
FP50 7 13 37 $1,318 2,705 842
MP55 5 26 52 $1,432 3,400 908
FP55 1 2 4 $124 333 778
MP60 18 57 138 $5,809 9,329 908
FP60 2 3 6 $212 393 833
MP65 2 7 14 $385 977 904
MP70 4 11 22 $422 1,796 774
MA1 173 2,097 3,852 $0 192,029 909
FA1 66 185 334 $0 21,860 804
MA2 166 2,243 4,107 $0 228,798 885
FA2 71 173 335 $0 23,707 769
MA3 174 2,615 4,875 $0 275,807 851
FA3 67 160 306 $0 21,970 695

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 81 154 $0 8,558 1
Alaska 1 21 42 $0 2,805 2
Alberta 3 87 188 $303 9,144 0
Arizona 1 62 119 $2,828 6,557 4
Arkansas 3 48 84 $46 5,357 1
British Columbia 3 150 298 $844 18,347 4
California 5 329 1,105 $26,015 65,848 55
Colorado 6 261 445 $4,845 26,432 8
Connecticut 2 117 152 $1,608 10,553 0
Delaware 2 128 327 $18,174 24,113 53
Florida 2 157 252 $1,430 19,184 6
Georgia 3 144 342 $2,474 21,750 10
Idaho 2 135 249 $2,630 17,309 0
Illinois 6 510 841 $0 28,251 4
Indiana 8 486 935 $7,349 55,200 31
Iowa 2 99 195 $751 10,810 3
Kansas 3 285 656 $85,328 36,615 216
Kentucky 7 241 335 $529 19,910 2
Louisiana 2 43 83 $708 5,220 1
Maine 2 136 193 $1,373 11,085 6
Manitoba 1 37 37 $0 2,586 1
Maryland 1 28 43 $0 0 0
Massachusetts 5 270 496 $7,622 30,499 23
Michigan 16 1,005 2,046 $10,761 99,912 28
Minnesota 4 192 383 $2,704 22,747 4
Missouri 6 296 734 $2,835 25,098 9
Montana 2 71 131 $2,086 7,215 6
Nebraska 2 101 205 $477 7,667 6
Nevada 1 63 300 $2,102 18,556 4
New Brunswick 1 50 100 $279 6,269 0
New Hampshire 1 6 6 $30 342 0
New Mexico 1 70 203 $2,325 12,892 6
New York 4 373 632 $5,650 42,249 6
North Carolina 11 456 655 $1,682 25,815 12
North Dakota 1 52 104 $0 7,690 1
Ohio 12 883 1,378 $3,293 63,854 11
Oklahoma 4 175 421 $2,200 24,803 10
Ontario 4 205 381 $1,047 24,753 1
Oregon 2 294 804 $17,610 52,539 28
Pennsylvania 9 414 733 $4,307 41,367 3
Prince Edward Island 1 52 103 $443 7,109 1
Quebec 2 61 126 $1,492 7,446 1
South Carolina 2 100 234 $258 12,382 3
South Dakota 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Tennessee 2 187 451 $3,040 28,673 8
Texas 14 747 1,261 $9,533 74,592 24
Utah 2 85 166 $64 10,115 1
Virginia 6 223 384 $263 25,356 0
Washington 3 156 310 $120 18,004 0
West Virginia 2 168 439 $0 25,759 2
Wisconsin 4 243 425 $1,068 31,322 5
Wyoming 1 47 94 $0 5,944 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 110 219 $564 14,100 0
Austria 1 52 98 $0 6,926 1
Belgium 1 39 75 $0 4,849 0
Canada 15 642 1,233 $4,408 75,654 8
Croatia 1 35 103 $0 7,447 0
Czech Republic 1 159 471 $32,634 31,455 103
Denmark 3 163 252 $0 15,943 0
Estonia 3 242 507 $2,614 30,059 13
Finland 14 1,145 2,466 $14,821 161,044 94
France 1 23 46 $0 3,354 0
Iceland 3 95 119 $0 7,342 2
Latvia 2 100 129 $0 6,672 0
Luxembourg 1 14 28 $0 1,247 0
New Zealand 1 46 92 $190 5,094 1
Norway 4 191 332 $0 20,792 0
South Africa 1 38 74 $348 5,090 0
Spain 1 32 92 $0 5,648 0
Sweden 17 1,071 1,816 $505 118,504 6
United Kingdom 1 72 244 $0 14,376 5
United States 178 10,002 19,564 $236,118 1,090,949 603