StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-04-05 to Sunday 2021-04-11, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-04-05
(click to change weeks)
(9,694 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:09 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 103 1,684 3,311 $102,704 192,327 951
FPO 37 117 256 $9,774 17,630 865
MP40 57 349 749 $21,989 45,138 933
MP50 34 147 291 $8,205 17,832 922
FP40 3 6 11 $490 710 826
FP50 1 1 2 $50 120 842
MP55 2 2 2 $80 107 953
MP60 7 22 53 $1,179 3,347 892
FP60 1 1 2 $50 131 776
MP65 2 3 3 $120 188 866
MP70 2 4 8 $210 509 843
MA1 109 1,672 3,105 $0 187,893 914
FA1 54 165 311 $0 21,646 804
MA2 111 2,166 4,039 $0 253,355 882
FA2 56 158 308 $0 22,921 741
MA3 99 2,155 3,937 $0 257,808 837
FA3 51 149 274 $0 22,090 671

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 90 177 $192 10,983 0
Arizona 1 104 208 $0 13,153 1
Arkansas 5 321 670 $27,945 42,155 134
California 3 376 992 $11,760 61,289 49
Colorado 2 189 189 $929 9,674 1
Connecticut 1 88 176 $1,500 10,076 0
Delaware 2 134 262 $1,543 15,641 8
Florida 3 373 426 $470 22,001 0
Georgia 4 352 535 $2,955 36,190 17
Illinois 2 208 409 $335 33,630 1
Indiana 2 185 266 $679 18,806 1
Iowa 3 267 422 $1,499 25,998 8
Kansas 4 265 524 $5,229 32,140 19
Kentucky 5 577 1,155 $7,138 71,582 21
Louisiana 2 76 138 $1,184 8,660 1
Maryland 2 125 249 $516 16,207 4
Michigan 6 484 960 $8,379 57,197 28
Minnesota 4 386 709 $4,166 44,135 21
Missouri 5 395 848 $6,849 52,734 16
Montana 1 39 78 $0 5,205 0
Nebraska 2 166 248 $2,765 16,426 4
Nevada 1 81 240 $0 14,462 0
New Jersey 1 65 128 $430 8,435 1
New York 3 238 419 $1,669 25,567 5
North Carolina 7 521 943 $3,536 59,955 20
North Dakota 2 54 108 $0 7,781 4
Nova Scotia 1 71 142 $416 9,157 0
Ohio 2 147 293 $702 18,780 2
Oklahoma 3 287 542 $3,055 35,368 8
Oregon 4 347 636 $4,526 38,332 19
Pennsylvania 5 402 630 $6,200 40,358 18
South Carolina 3 329 949 $3,651 57,554 33
Tennessee 3 244 486 $940 29,202 2
Texas 11 1,049 2,069 $17,697 138,325 47
Utah 1 119 233 $5,356 15,727 8
Virginia 4 360 625 $3,172 39,272 12
Washington 2 129 258 $860 16,667 0
West Virginia 1 7 12 $48 785 0
Wisconsin 2 269 536 $4,926 36,355 23
Wyoming 2 182 356 $1,365 22,552 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 1 71 142 $416 9,157 0
Denmark 3 226 195 $255 13,598 2
Norway 1 39 39 $0 2,714 1
Sweden 3 243 440 $0 26,261 0
United Kingdom 1 46 91 $14 6,245 2
United States 118 10,030 19,104 $144,166 1,209,359 541