StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-08-31 to Sunday 2020-09-06, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-08-31
(click to change weeks)
(6,131 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:06 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 66 1,305 3,394 $107,719 202,550 950
FPO 33 127 375 $14,387 25,968 860
MP40 43 417 1,000 $24,802 62,568 924
MP50 25 176 473 $9,983 29,317 910
FP40 3 7 17 $264 1,328 822
FP50 1 1 2 $0 167 814
MP55 1 5 10 $215 677 902
MP60 9 40 97 $2,535 6,738 881
FP60 1 1 2 $0 181 756
MP65 1 5 10 $0 783 857
MP70 2 7 17 $265 1,300 820
MA1 59 1,102 2,600 $0 167,704 919
FA1 30 90 217 $0 15,787 801
MA2 56 1,066 2,500 $0 164,046 884
FA2 27 99 230 $0 18,219 758
MA3 55 970 2,156 $0 145,488 850
FA3 19 54 130 $0 11,750 692

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 27 109 $1,012 6,664 0
Alberta 2 131 262 $3,482 16,310 12
Arizona 1 89 177 $0 9,806 1
Arkansas 1 141 280 $4,142 19,123 14
Florida 1 158 310 $914 22,191 7
Georgia 2 192 595 $9,547 34,249 32
Illinois 3 102 202 $710 12,390 4
Indiana 1 157 461 $4,934 30,472 32
Iowa 2 123 202 $1,405 11,629 8
Kentucky 1 67 133 $373 7,641 4
Maine 1 69 138 $753 8,042 4
Massachusetts 2 148 294 $7,851 17,316 14
Michigan 2 607 1,597 $0 119,621 9
Minnesota 1 46 92 $660 5,567 2
Missouri 3 362 811 $8,165 51,769 28
Nebraska 1 23 46 $265 2,836 0
New Jersey 2 147 288 $2,868 19,106 8
New York 2 116 231 $2,122 14,406 9
North Carolina 2 161 541 $2,185 32,130 19
North Dakota 1 44 131 $4,510 10,450 10
Ohio 3 152 279 $1,035 19,537 1
Oregon 3 201 402 $5,367 24,156 30
Pennsylvania 1 63 125 $1,155 8,418 3
Saskatchewan 1 32 84 $570 5,208 0
South Carolina 1 66 259 $905 16,674 6
Tennessee 1 71 210 $0 12,489 0
Texas 6 397 657 $3,150 40,897 9
Vermont 2 238 809 $42,160 53,462 183
Washington 1 135 396 $6,368 23,040 26
West Virginia 2 194 527 $7,960 35,933 20
Wisconsin 2 272 543 $8,668 41,883 28

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 58 203 $0 11,770 3
Canada 3 163 346 $4,052 21,518 12
Czech Republic 1 75 216 $1,109 14,325 12
Denmark 2 123 371 $2,070 25,199 5
Estonia 3 175 347 $1,228 21,117 12
Finland 9 711 1,634 $13,878 108,364 72
Germany 1 57 189 $0 11,387 7
Iceland 1 15 29 $0 1,837 0
Japan 1 29 109 $621 5,719 10
Norway 4 255 637 $7,360 41,988 16
Serbia 1 18 33 $0 2,037 0
Sweden 5 223 521 $668 32,487 8
United Kingdom 1 37 106 $0 5,831 4
United States 52 4,568 10,845 $129,184 711,897 511