StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-01-22 to Sunday 2024-01-28, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-01-22
(click to change weeks)
(5,009 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-02-04 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 74 882 1,581 $35,212 88,778 949
FPO 25 77 177 $3,440 11,965 832
MP40 36 221 440 $11,729 26,143 934
MP50 16 70 144 $3,482 8,831 907
FP40 2 2 5 $137 328 844
FP50 2 3 6 $148 421 763
MP55 2 6 11 $288 713 918
MP60 7 24 50 $1,448 3,033 911
MP65 1 2 2 $44 150 883
MP70 2 3 5 $131 327 899
MA1 77 792 1,450 $0 88,809 913
FA1 33 81 165 $0 11,741 777
MA2 71 665 1,182 $0 73,882 886
FA2 26 58 112 $0 8,254 730
MA3 78 1,020 1,744 $0 110,783 850
FA3 26 46 73 $0 5,936 691

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 183 348 $477 19,964 1
Arizona 4 128 314 $9,756 17,654 40
Arkansas 1 37 74 $626 4,413 4
California 3 237 474 $3,210 29,069 16
Colorado 2 193 193 $1,194 11,087 4
Florida 7 540 1,216 $8,719 78,454 50
Georgia 3 238 320 $192 19,612 1
Indiana 1 49 95 $301 6,595 1
Kentucky 1 67 67 $396 5,092 0
Louisiana 5 86 90 $0 5,095 3
Michigan 1 56 111 $125 6,519 0
Mississippi 1 60 120 $536 6,921 3
Missouri 3 227 226 $1,266 13,793 3
Nevada 3 52 48 $380 2,880 2
New Jersey 1 77 118 $490 7,601 0
New Mexico 1 24 24 $42 1,508 0
North Carolina 6 220 422 $1,160 26,250 7
Nova Scotia 1 41 82 $138 4,932 0
Ohio 2 209 350 $2,781 21,919 11
Oklahoma 3 136 265 $2,490 15,957 11
Oregon 1 142 283 $5,282 16,633 29
South Carolina 4 190 316 $1,488 19,289 6
Tennessee 4 370 673 $2,611 39,985 24
Texas 12 488 714 $4,165 47,019 16
Virginia 1 47 94 $350 5,670 3
Washington 2 123 246 $0 15,645 0
West Virginia 1 7 14 $0 682 0
Wisconsin 1 100 200 $705 12,364 6
Wyoming 1 27 27 $245 1,960 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 5 138 197 $474 11,877 2
Canada 1 41 82 $138 4,932 0
Colombia 1 28 56 $0 4,089 0
Czech Republic 1 77 152 $242 10,183 3
Denmark 3 175 329 $453 18,961 5
Malaysia 1 82 211 $1,561 12,416 6
Mexico 2 177 426 $3,882 29,756 20
New Zealand 2 115 293 $322 20,755 2
Serbia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Spain 2 63 185 $0 12,014 4
Sweden 2 67 88 $0 7,210 0
Thailand 2 27 107 $0 6,415 2
United Kingdom 2 39 74 $0 4,202 0
United States 79 4,313 7,442 $48,987 459,630 242