StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-12-04 to Sunday 2023-12-10, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-12-04
(click to change weeks)
(4,434 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-12-17 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 74 680 1,200 $41,921 66,721 953
FPO 16 47 106 $4,059 6,860 858
MP40 28 156 305 $13,974 18,713 940
MP50 23 96 196 $7,451 11,771 928
FP40 4 10 16 $277 975 841
FP50 1 1 2 $144 136 863
MP60 12 25 54 $1,418 3,095 855
FP60 1 1 1 $0 59 791
MA1 82 748 1,232 $0 64,381 909
FA1 19 46 76 $0 4,818 795
MA2 70 614 1,059 $0 59,748 884
FA2 24 63 107 $0 7,117 756
MA3 81 880 1,562 $0 86,039 849
FA3 22 47 89 $0 6,118 697

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 6 324 500 $3,772 23,561 14
Arizona 3 217 383 $13,654 28,056 29
Arkansas 2 76 125 $720 7,642 8
California 6 289 528 $8,606 32,050 13
Colorado 1 65 65 $700 3,828 2
Delaware 1 40 80 $2,097 5,562 5
Florida 5 524 1,193 $13,412 71,744 52
Georgia 6 294 527 $2,640 26,351 10
Illinois 1 36 72 $0 4,469 0
Indiana 1 33 64 $75 3,917 0
Kentucky 3 67 133 $277 7,823 0
Louisiana 2 116 230 $1,663 15,373 6
Michigan 3 67 120 $300 4,724 6
Minnesota 1 37 35 $0 3,445 0
Mississippi 1 71 140 $691 7,925 4
Missouri 1 89 89 $252 5,143 0
Nebraska 1 39 39 $0 2,204 0
New Jersey 1 20 40 $0 2,962 0
New Mexico 1 25 25 $712 1,690 0
New York 1 37 72 $145 4,583 0
North Carolina 10 475 752 $2,707 43,104 20
Ohio 2 129 118 $506 4,043 3
Oklahoma 4 202 353 $3,383 20,617 13
Oregon 3 146 269 $1,008 16,010 4
South Carolina 1 88 159 $41 8,638 4
Tennessee 1 12 11 $76 580 0
Texas 16 420 742 $6,883 39,765 31
Utah 1 11 36 $0 0 0
Virginia 6 306 568 $2,348 35,485 10

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 3 70 139 $248 7,681 0
Belize 2 49 87 $1,050 4,570 2
Denmark 2 137 201 $0 12,904 2
Finland 2 74 102 $73 5,666 3
Mexico 1 28 55 $0 3,542 0
New Zealand 1 21 21 $0 1,356 0
Puerto Rico 1 39 73 $335 4,471 0
Spain 1 18 36 $0 2,422 1
Taiwan 1 25 99 $1,088 4,893 1
United States 91 4,255 7,468 $66,668 431,294 234
Zambia 1 9 9 $7 459 1