StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-04-25 to Sunday 2022-05-01, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-04-25
(click to change weeks)
(12,920 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-05-05 18:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 133 2,232 4,771 $125,331 288,030 940
FPO 50 268 673 $36,438 47,073 849
MP40 70 488 1,027 $16,286 65,973 925
MP50 38 192 435 $5,928 28,137 916
FP40 9 28 72 $2,960 4,647 866
FP50 2 3 6 $203 382 867
MP55 3 8 22 $607 1,681 917
MP60 19 58 130 $1,598 8,371 894
FP60 3 3 5 $320 368 791
MP70 3 3 4 $62 291 881
FP70 1 2 4 $0 387 446
MA1 133 2,035 4,293 $0 269,139 919
FA1 56 218 517 $0 38,116 808
MA2 134 2,618 5,090 $0 321,672 885
FA2 60 190 413 $0 30,827 769
MA3 140 2,913 5,349 $0 353,899 848
FA3 57 164 312 $0 23,731 706

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 122 349 $0 19,822 6
Alberta 1 1 2 $0 104 0
Arkansas 1 42 84 $0 5,153 1
British Columbia 1 46 92 $194 5,113 1
California 3 331 867 $387 53,789 42
Colorado 3 266 387 $1,941 24,475 4
Connecticut 2 108 215 $2,297 13,334 4
Delaware 1 70 139 $448 8,830 1
Florida 6 546 1,022 $8,846 69,626 35
Georgia 6 373 750 $11,477 47,283 47
Hawaii 1 34 60 $0 3,644 0
Idaho 2 195 575 $4,152 39,230 28
Illinois 4 296 583 $210 36,896 2
Indiana 6 350 694 $2,344 49,938 8
Iowa 3 281 680 $933 42,046 21
Kansas 10 1,615 3,047 $79,652 194,805 277
Kentucky 3 174 347 $663 22,328 1
Louisiana 1 43 43 $0 2,400 1
Maryland 2 150 375 $8,171 25,252 0
Massachusetts 1 70 133 $817 8,955 4
Michigan 10 780 1,545 $8,674 100,292 38
Minnesota 3 205 409 $1,770 26,914 6
Mississippi 1 3 6 $0 237 0
Missouri 1 35 35 $186 2,380 0
Montana 1 77 154 $0 11,809 0
Nebraska 1 42 84 $220 6,224 0
Nevada 1 201 392 $5,695 25,320 5
New Hampshire 4 236 460 $6,713 29,386 12
New Jersey 1 3 3 $0 165 0
New Mexico 1 67 133 $0 8,026 3
New York 3 218 502 $4,365 35,041 13
North Carolina 11 622 1,139 $4,897 68,272 17
Nova Scotia 1 75 222 $979 14,178 2
Ohio 4 572 1,047 $2,032 70,035 9
Oklahoma 2 112 389 $1,674 24,199 7
Ontario 1 7 7 $0 586 0
Oregon 3 318 622 $425 53,692 30
Pennsylvania 7 645 1,185 $7,640 77,502 26
South Carolina 1 139 277 $1,742 15,208 7
South Dakota 1 61 109 $1,375 7,009 3
Tennessee 2 167 409 $1,134 23,915 10
Texas 12 708 1,026 $1,998 66,664 23
Utah 1 72 213 $0 13,612 4
Virginia 4 127 209 $324 12,577 0
Washington 5 537 974 $7,488 64,420 28
West Virginia 2 99 99 $0 9,424 3
Wisconsin 2 122 223 $875 14,962 7

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 147 440 $1,105 28,178 1
Austria 1 70 243 $0 13,651 7
Canada 4 129 323 $1,173 19,981 3
Croatia 1 43 149 $0 8,742 2
Czech Republic 1 43 129 $0 5,193 1
Denmark 3 99 243 $0 16,913 3
Estonia 1 155 306 $0 19,331 0
Finland 6 481 810 $0 49,602 20
Germany 3 131 298 $585 15,413 3
Lithuania 1 130 389 $0 27,552 8
New Zealand 2 180 675 $1,045 44,925 7
Norway 8 563 826 $2,124 58,218 7
Sweden 9 769 1,666 $486 107,394 21
Switzerland 2 70 181 $807 8,820 5
United Kingdom 2 59 149 $843 9,572 0
United States 140 11,234 21,994 $181,565 1,435,091 733