StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-02-05 to Sunday 2024-02-11, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-02-05
(click to change weeks)
(5,877 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-02-18 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 81 904 1,731 $38,456 88,079 948
FPO 26 85 193 $4,641 11,105 851
MP40 46 250 490 $11,144 28,061 927
MP50 28 116 249 $6,196 13,713 913
FP40 6 11 20 $97 1,488 776
FP50 2 2 4 $37 158 767
MP60 13 42 98 $1,638 6,111 886
FP60 2 3 7 $267 412 865
MP65 1 3 3 $66 306 829
MP70 2 4 4 $66 349 859
MA1 91 1,025 1,892 $0 100,857 910
FA1 38 104 244 $0 15,687 806
MA2 77 864 1,557 $0 85,812 889
FA2 17 56 105 $0 7,253 772
MA3 84 1,158 2,211 $0 116,330 850
FA3 26 55 100 $0 7,405 679

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 6 151 351 $452 9,830 7
Arizona 4 171 305 $2,115 14,759 11
Arkansas 1 85 85 $263 5,189 0
British Columbia 3 84 140 $170 8,552 5
California 5 253 677 $216 30,721 2
Colorado 1 68 68 $525 3,712 2
Florida 4 624 1,444 $8,824 84,436 27
Georgia 2 129 257 $630 16,306 3
Idaho 1 109 216 $3,360 14,651 9
Indiana 3 189 339 $852 20,010 18
Kansas 2 136 135 $1,362 8,314 3
Kentucky 2 181 319 $884 10,873 8
Michigan 3 167 463 $201 7,038 7
Minnesota 3 171 171 $707 11,607 1
Missouri 3 263 507 $5,751 30,583 8
Montana 1 29 58 $290 3,097 2
North Carolina 11 647 942 $2,601 48,934 23
Ohio 2 162 156 $1,021 9,759 6
Oklahoma 9 278 531 $4,717 31,678 16
Oregon 2 143 286 $630 16,708 6
South Carolina 2 88 175 $115 9,366 4
Tennessee 3 168 265 $851 16,551 10
Texas 16 655 867 $6,443 47,844 33
Virginia 1 24 48 $70 2,497 1
Washington 3 233 393 $998 14,141 10
West Virginia 1 95 190 $217 11,918 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 46 90 $1,010 6,241 2
Austria 1 63 205 $0 0 1
Canada 3 84 140 $170 8,552 5
Denmark 2 140 213 $0 14,247 3
France 2 116 302 $523 21,277 1
Japan 1 57 249 $0 12,683 12
Mexico 1 39 39 $0 2,428 0
New Zealand 2 352 1,193 $15,994 81,772 61
Norway 1 77 149 $0 11,099 2
Sweden 1 30 60 $0 3,747 1
Thailand 1 70 208 $816 11,276 12
United States 91 5,219 9,248 $44,095 480,522 217