StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-08-17 to Sunday 2020-08-23, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-08-17
(click to change weeks)
(7,011 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:06 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 70 1,296 2,642 $68,278 156,296 950
FPO 30 126 277 $6,989 19,349 852
MP40 44 360 862 $19,148 54,452 933
MP50 24 195 471 $11,000 30,741 920
FP40 5 19 59 $935 4,310 840
FP50 1 8 32 $339 2,894 778
MP55 1 3 3 $45 212 834
MP60 11 54 151 $2,603 10,091 869
MP65 1 2 2 $30 134 869
FP65 1 1 1 $15 73 812
MP70 1 7 28 $368 2,523 780
MA1 69 1,331 2,773 $0 174,227 919
FA1 28 107 221 $0 16,181 805
MA2 70 1,318 2,524 $0 162,086 880
FA2 36 100 200 $0 14,848 741
MA3 66 1,139 2,309 $0 159,397 850
FA3 24 87 186 $0 14,796 718

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alberta 2 91 174 $382 10,726 2
Arizona 1 81 161 $1,426 10,053 12
California 2 258 510 $7,704 38,043 25
Colorado 3 265 350 $1,137 21,971 5
Connecticut 1 139 411 $10,124 27,261 30
Florida 2 247 578 $5,458 31,344 26
Georgia 1 137 408 $3,385 26,430 21
Illinois 4 279 556 $2,275 36,793 12
Indiana 7 338 613 $3,723 40,563 19
Iowa 1 62 124 $452 6,876 6
Kansas 1 92 180 $2,140 12,057 6
Kentucky 2 139 197 $530 15,401 0
Manitoba 1 30 60 $112 3,336 0
Michigan 5 307 608 $3,750 37,796 19
Minnesota 3 361 713 $9,630 47,469 31
Mississippi 1 82 163 $1,715 9,505 6
Missouri 2 189 378 $3,496 23,042 9
Montana 1 4 8 $0 432 0
Nebraska 1 43 85 $230 5,413 1
New Hampshire 2 157 311 $1,290 18,549 2
New Jersey 1 72 144 $0 9,636 0
North Carolina 3 230 319 $1,186 17,956 8
Nova Scotia 1 39 78 $794 4,896 0
Ohio 1 89 177 $174 11,660 1
Oklahoma 2 151 300 $2,678 18,090 13
Ontario 1 167 528 $4,968 33,187 15
Oregon 3 159 241 $1,757 16,312 19
Pennsylvania 3 233 530 $12,010 34,320 38
South Dakota 1 54 108 $842 6,570 0
Tennessee 1 142 422 $4,309 26,390 27
Texas 6 611 792 $3,500 51,004 18
Vermont 1 77 153 $494 9,050 6
Virginia 1 67 134 $480 7,751 9
Washington 1 251 501 $6,020 33,722 12
West Virginia 1 44 44 $0 2,677 0
Wisconsin 2 136 270 $3,089 15,318 18

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 9 50 $0 2,388 0
Canada 5 327 840 $6,256 52,145 17
Denmark 1 82 161 $682 11,032 3
Estonia 2 245 467 $0 33,027 6
Finland 3 715 2,090 $6,173 151,268 44
Germany 1 75 224 $0 13,780 19
Latvia 1 46 90 $0 5,371 0
Norway 1 85 170 $742 13,123 6
Sweden 9 336 663 $993 42,702 8
Ukraine 1 26 78 $0 5,088 0
United States 67 5,496 10,489 $95,004 669,454 399