StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-08-29 to Sunday 2022-09-04, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-08-29
(click to change weeks)
(8,693 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-09-08 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 95 1,566 3,883 $174,253 239,839 950
FPO 35 201 635 $55,679 45,219 873
MP40 46 335 742 $7,369 48,584 914
MP50 22 137 328 $1,692 21,603 911
FP40 5 16 42 $118 3,506 815
FP50 3 4 6 $65 418 829
MP55 1 8 16 $0 1,179 893
MP60 11 44 102 $1,116 7,303 900
MP65 1 2 4 $0 343 799
MP70 2 7 13 $0 983 801
MA1 102 1,334 2,805 $0 167,677 917
FA1 52 133 271 $0 18,655 804
MA2 95 1,483 3,112 $0 190,338 887
FA2 24 83 185 $0 12,649 776
MA3 106 1,680 3,440 $0 219,716 847
FA3 40 129 261 $0 19,915 720

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 86 126 $490 7,059 3
Alaska 1 28 111 $0 6,314 3
Arizona 1 143 424 $0 24,519 3
Arkansas 3 95 141 $58 8,850 2
British Columbia 1 71 142 $0 8,805 0
California 2 107 165 $204 13,424 8
Colorado 3 194 543 $0 29,813 7
Florida 1 133 388 $0 23,276 3
Georgia 4 370 575 $0 34,761 5
Illinois 2 80 123 $200 7,963 3
Indiana 2 92 140 $75 11,256 0
Iowa 3 194 345 $2,936 21,069 9
Kansas 1 286 1,246 $200,000 81,526 551
Kentucky 4 249 448 $1,373 26,671 5
Louisiana 2 74 135 $100 9,238 5
Maine 1 54 105 $1,152 5,840 1
Maryland 1 73 141 $0 9,679 1
Massachusetts 3 191 286 $4,629 17,180 15
Michigan 5 685 1,817 $0 103,748 15
Minnesota 1 29 58 $0 3,483 0
Missouri 2 216 563 $1,374 33,298 17
Nevada 1 58 172 $0 10,962 0
New Jersey 1 42 42 $0 2,839 0
New York 4 118 284 $1,919 16,425 1
North Carolina 8 507 1,163 $5,051 67,568 40
Ohio 5 457 849 $2,820 53,051 18
Oregon 2 240 471 $2,647 37,209 12
Pennsylvania 6 278 471 $1,113 33,305 2
Quebec 1 117 231 $0 13,931 1
South Carolina 2 98 98 $0 5,395 1
South Dakota 1 35 69 $0 6,282 2
Tennessee 3 198 503 $610 30,087 6
Texas 9 344 602 $1,423 39,828 22
Utah 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Washington 3 100 293 $620 17,540 3
West Virginia 1 124 369 $0 25,327 28
Wisconsin 2 294 576 $10,857 44,517 17

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 2 188 373 $0 22,736 1
Denmark 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Estonia 2 136 326 $0 21,217 11
Finland 15 849 1,653 $538 104,314 36
Germany 1 62 174 $0 10,698 15
Iceland 3 57 91 $0 5,552 0
Italy 1 24 24 $0 1,523 0
Lithuania 1 110 325 $0 24,577 0
Netherlands 1 67 193 $0 12,943 1
New Zealand 9 193 190 $0 12,488 4
Norway 13 525 1,233 $0 76,627 3
South Africa 1 24 48 $0 3,029 0
Sweden 9 618 1,364 $103 86,795 24
Switzerland 1 19 19 $0 1,135 0
Ukraine 1 11 33 $0 2,119 0
United Kingdom 1 27 54 $0 3,595 2
United States 93 6,272 13,842 $239,651 869,302 808