StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-08-08 to Sunday 2022-08-14, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-08-08
(click to change weeks)
(12,243 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-08-18 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 126 1,970 4,620 $157,945 275,716 959
FPO 58 243 661 $45,089 45,906 858
MP40 67 541 1,217 $29,496 75,222 926
MP50 30 219 512 $8,311 31,478 915
FP40 7 22 53 $893 3,813 790
FP50 2 2 3 $51 135 850
MP55 4 16 29 $574 1,874 877
FP55 1 1 2 $51 155 776
MP60 17 70 163 $4,489 10,961 893
FP60 2 2 3 $51 233 759
MP65 2 5 10 $100 736 823
MP70 1 4 8 $200 579 823
MA1 126 2,048 4,284 $0 270,904 919
FA1 44 138 327 $0 22,397 817
MA2 129 2,616 5,371 $0 335,936 888
FA2 52 171 371 $0 25,646 767
MA3 124 2,650 5,370 $0 342,252 850
FA3 46 142 294 $0 23,346 703

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 99 198 $0 11,157 0
Alaska 1 64 191 $0 12,700 5
Alberta 1 120 351 $0 22,155 11
Arizona 3 227 491 $0 32,166 24
Arkansas 3 188 316 $1,519 18,232 3
British Columbia 1 68 136 $1,199 7,902 2
California 3 259 667 $0 38,755 22
Colorado 4 284 475 $1,938 29,101 4
Connecticut 1 127 126 $221 8,361 2
Delaware 1 72 213 $0 13,298 0
Florida 1 51 102 $0 5,868 5
Georgia 1 186 549 $0 36,399 1
Idaho 1 61 120 $850 7,386 1
Illinois 12 3,547 7,906 $145,408 501,051 441
Indiana 1 38 38 $0 2,447 0
Iowa 3 115 229 $0 14,501 0
Kansas 3 178 348 $638 20,202 2
Kentucky 3 190 378 $770 22,539 17
Maine 3 215 352 $1,235 22,509 10
Manitoba 1 30 60 $0 3,836 1
Maryland 2 70 70 $28 3,708 1
Massachusetts 6 274 540 $2,448 32,592 9
Michigan 10 554 1,044 $4,534 62,141 22
Minnesota 3 295 806 $14,215 46,546 40
Missouri 4 204 391 $2,831 24,457 13
Nebraska 2 57 114 $275 7,592 3
Nevada 1 222 433 $0 41,634 17
New Hampshire 3 77 197 $948 11,688 1
New Jersey 1 70 140 $0 8,346 0
New Mexico 1 94 184 $3,640 13,796 3
New York 4 195 379 $120 23,939 4
North Carolina 8 315 523 $2,245 31,331 14
Ohio 3 217 555 $2,660 35,064 12
Oregon 3 336 657 $3,553 44,246 27
Pennsylvania 3 138 274 $4,173 18,271 5
Prince Edward Island 1 66 194 $0 12,730 0
Quebec 1 60 178 $1,151 11,656 1
South Carolina 3 157 307 $255 21,932 5
Tennessee 3 168 333 $1,407 19,280 5
Texas 13 854 1,446 $8,024 91,011 43
Vermont 1 119 234 $1,562 16,779 7
Virginia 1 32 32 $70 2,090 0
Washington 4 205 407 $1,609 28,817 1
West Virginia 2 91 182 $0 12,037 2
Wisconsin 6 335 788 $6,463 47,775 15
Wyoming 1 37 73 $1,035 4,423 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 5 344 919 $2,350 58,279 15
Czech Republic 2 32 64 $0 4,248 1
Denmark 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Estonia 2 146 290 $0 16,704 3
Finland 14 1,157 2,749 $27,474 173,810 300
Germany 1 58 173 $0 9,782 4
Iceland 2 14 14 $0 1,077 0
Latvia 1 115 339 $0 20,752 1
Malaysia 1 20 49 $272 2,433 0
Netherlands 2 41 82 $0 3,998 0
New Zealand 1 46 92 $0 6,847 2
Norway 3 142 286 $2,508 19,408 1
Sweden 13 709 1,525 $0 101,229 18
United Kingdom 2 69 183 $0 11,851 5
United States 133 11,017 22,808 $214,674 1,446,167 788