StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-09-02 to Sunday 2024-09-08, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-09-02
(click to change weeks)
(14,283 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-09-15 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 208 2,800 6,318 $174,067 328,284 948
FPO 87 338 841 $47,886 55,382 861
MP40 112 830 1,820 $36,604 113,673 924
MP50 62 340 787 $16,525 49,292 907
FP40 15 49 121 $2,259 9,373 815
FP50 2 4 8 $0 651 796
MP55 2 10 36 $130 2,697 935
MP60 22 76 179 $5,230 12,025 891
FP60 4 4 9 $435 628 822
MP65 2 4 12 $331 792 889
FP65 1 1 3 $96 243 695
MP70 4 8 18 $400 1,199 850
MA1 184 2,117 4,791 $0 225,770 916
FA1 80 205 462 $0 27,293 803
MA2 187 2,365 5,270 $0 265,999 890
FA2 53 152 322 $0 21,603 767
MA3 190 2,763 5,886 $0 300,669 854
FA3 48 114 273 $0 16,501 704

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 7 384 1,007 $1,615 32,451 24
Alaska 1 30 122 $510 6,956 3
Alberta 3 88 198 $0 7,017 0
Arizona 3 171 443 $1,881 9,880 19
Arkansas 2 82 148 $2,910 8,472 6
British Columbia 4 150 571 $5,462 20,449 8
California 5 391 1,049 $1,922 35,158 31
Colorado 4 469 1,274 $21,081 78,589 54
Connecticut 1 105 106 $238 6,893 0
Delaware 1 65 128 $380 7,363 0
Florida 3 363 847 $860 49,493 8
Georgia 9 420 721 $3,400 42,092 29
Idaho 1 43 88 $792 5,281 6
Illinois 7 340 627 $2,171 36,813 9
Indiana 10 519 1,082 $2,887 55,503 17
Iowa 2 134 269 $2,529 18,454 9
Kansas 3 315 799 $7,443 47,390 16
Kentucky 2 49 247 $26 853 3
Louisiana 1 68 137 $637 7,895 5
Maine 2 55 104 $0 6,824 3
Maryland 2 106 211 $2,290 11,840 3
Massachusetts 3 273 661 $12,842 42,063 52
Michigan 14 1,449 3,850 $104,221 201,611 301
Minnesota 7 217 403 $1,704 21,533 6
Mississippi 2 217 384 $4,500 24,012 11
Missouri 7 469 683 $5,311 40,014 20
Montana 1 33 68 $0 5,964 2
Nebraska 1 32 64 $120 3,695 0
Nevada 1 17 17 $102 1,158 0
New Brunswick 1 31 55 $276 3,261 2
New Hampshire 1 141 280 $5,573 17,561 9
New Jersey 3 183 400 $6,145 25,207 13
New Mexico 1 67 132 $0 7,242 0
New York 7 459 1,100 $5,073 48,206 28
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 11 33 $18 2,028 0
North Carolina 10 546 881 $2,518 53,167 31
Ohio 5 298 639 $3,221 40,479 14
Oklahoma 5 125 297 $1,840 11,818 10
Ontario 5 251 560 $388 29,353 6
Oregon 1 26 52 $176 3,014 1
Pennsylvania 7 251 630 $298 24,122 8
Quebec 2 177 354 $2,035 21,023 1
Saskatchewan 1 138 414 $6,718 25,440 9
South Carolina 5 273 498 $530 22,765 7
South Dakota 2 197 534 $8,061 33,063 25
Tennessee 6 341 724 $2,230 45,452 11
Texas 12 569 878 $3,823 61,332 39
Vermont 1 74 149 $780 8,875 1
Virginia 6 265 442 $2,116 26,491 8
Washington 3 208 482 $2,740 28,821 18
West Virginia 2 137 278 $979 17,449 6
Wisconsin 9 686 1,306 $7,008 57,708 28

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 83 163 $708 18,470 1
Austria 3 112 250 $0 15,691 1
Bulgaria 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Canada 17 846 2,185 $14,897 108,571 26
Colombia 1 22 42 $0 3,128 0
Denmark 3 115 319 $2,600 20,497 7
Estonia 3 190 381 $0 24,395 8
Finland 13 722 1,564 $2,972 83,262 73
France 1 24 50 $0 3,408 0
Germany 1 126 444 $0 34,159 45
Iceland 2 140 293 $0 3,649 2
Latvia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Luxembourg 1 14 29 $0 1,451 0
Netherlands 1 54 108 $0 6,018 3
Norway 8 391 959 $7,540 61,988 47
Poland 2 179 501 $5,051 35,595 5
Spain 1 19 60 $0 3,836 2
Sweden 19 940 1,874 $11,499 100,151 53
Switzerland 1 78 157 $2,959 9,765 3
Thailand 1 11 24 $24 1,206 0
Ukraine 1 20 67 $230 4,821 0
United Kingdom 3 53 181 $0 2,427 7
United States 188 11,662 25,241 $235,483 1,341,022 894