StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-02-07 to Sunday 2022-02-13, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-02-07
(click to change weeks)
(5,358 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:14 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 62 835 1,583 $44,067 90,239 951
FPO 29 80 146 $3,313 9,081 858
MP40 32 233 477 $14,551 28,028 937
MP50 14 85 183 $6,014 10,544 927
FP40 2 5 13 $506 986 819
MP55 1 4 8 $180 580 877
MP60 8 31 80 $2,358 4,472 899
FP60 1 5 15 $615 1,208 785
MP70 1 2 6 $300 427 867
MA1 69 952 1,644 $0 97,168 911
FA1 32 92 167 $0 11,026 810
MA2 60 991 1,705 $0 104,282 880
FA2 24 50 99 $0 7,175 746
MA3 58 999 1,777 $0 111,967 841
FA3 28 58 89 $0 6,851 668

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 5 251 477 $4,431 32,569 26
Arizona 4 117 203 $0 11,289 15
Arkansas 2 89 154 $51 9,810 1
California 3 409 926 $19,618 62,753 48
Colorado 1 120 120 $0 6,486 8
Florida 2 177 424 $2,201 22,051 13
Georgia 2 75 147 $437 8,244 1
Indiana 2 78 152 $201 8,382 2
Kansas 3 282 282 $2,070 18,157 5
Kentucky 1 136 270 $822 17,328 4
Louisiana 1 19 19 $0 1,167 0
Michigan 2 76 107 $430 6,231 3
Mississippi 1 75 149 $440 8,194 2
Missouri 2 238 472 $5,158 29,094 15
Montana 1 33 66 $162 3,599 1
Nevada 1 79 157 $660 9,211 0
New Jersey 1 73 143 $910 9,224 4
New Mexico 1 50 150 $1,541 10,557 2
North Carolina 13 740 1,371 $6,156 82,802 52
Oklahoma 3 234 386 $3,166 24,748 7
Oregon 2 187 372 $1,568 22,421 13
Pennsylvania 1 83 83 $192 4,341 1
South Carolina 2 132 215 $295 11,969 2
Tennessee 2 235 465 $5,652 27,615 23
Texas 9 593 864 $8,121 53,703 24
Utah 2 243 483 $2,306 29,206 10
Virginia 1 63 63 $299 4,386 1
Washington 1 143 285 $2,060 15,907 7
Wisconsin 1 67 134 $770 7,604 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 57 114 $882 8,218 1
Cambodia 1 6 12 $210 849 0
Croatia 1 35 70 $0 3,542 1
Denmark 2 149 216 $0 13,987 3
Estonia 1 69 137 $0 7,813 0
Finland 2 107 151 $182 8,231 1
France 1 15 30 $0 2,089 0
Japan 1 34 135 $1,105 7,910 16
Singapore 1 30 59 $0 3,974 0
United States 72 5,097 9,139 $69,717 559,048 293