StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-10-23 to Sunday 2023-10-29, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-10-23
(click to change weeks)
(10,507 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-11-02 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 158 1,742 3,686 $109,957 208,033 944
FPO 59 191 438 $9,882 29,809 824
MP40 69 476 1,059 $30,206 60,782 922
MP50 32 146 321 $6,911 20,772 904
FP40 7 11 24 $823 1,764 812
FP50 6 10 25 $252 1,558 828
MP60 16 54 121 $2,453 7,946 891
MP65 1 4 12 $491 650 867
MP70 1 1 2 $0 118 0
FP70 1 1 2 $44 145 665
MA1 162 1,736 3,437 $0 187,350 911
FA1 57 151 313 $0 19,116 792
MA2 140 1,604 3,018 $0 177,367 885
FA2 50 134 285 $0 17,806 749
MA3 144 1,837 3,437 $0 210,184 849
FA3 40 77 149 $0 11,510 711

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 5 317 849 $18,786 48,297 35
Alaska 1 23 40 $0 2,282 1
Arizona 4 116 160 $340 5,410 7
Arkansas 2 45 76 $517 5,272 1
British Columbia 3 163 314 $405 18,658 1
California 12 706 1,464 $11,033 95,895 51
Colorado 2 143 224 $744 16,505 2
Connecticut 2 142 282 $4,100 16,944 5
Delaware 1 20 20 $190 1,341 0
Florida 10 691 1,328 $4,106 87,989 16
Georgia 8 492 944 $6,706 59,495 17
Hawaii 2 33 98 $0 5,727 1
Idaho 1 75 150 $0 10,507 4
Illinois 4 180 293 $6,460 15,016 9
Indiana 8 168 304 $563 15,464 5
Iowa 2 48 48 $99 2,793 0
Kansas 5 210 342 $1,069 17,935 8
Kentucky 4 168 445 $826 12,278 6
Louisiana 5 193 379 $1,196 20,378 5
Maine 1 50 97 $1,524 5,549 3
Massachusetts 4 175 342 $6,645 21,446 19
Michigan 7 381 696 $6,748 40,051 26
Minnesota 1 60 120 $1,680 8,967 0
Mississippi 1 63 125 $580 7,141 4
Missouri 5 296 357 $1,668 23,172 2
Nebraska 1 42 42 $175 3,628 0
Nevada 3 266 670 $0 40,956 25
New Brunswick 1 3 6 $0 355 0
New Hampshire 2 142 277 $3,579 16,892 5
New Jersey 1 14 52 $0 0 0
New Mexico 1 16 25 $0 0 0
New York 5 266 440 $2,540 30,052 3
North Carolina 8 538 1,398 $5,638 76,399 41
Ohio 8 354 508 $889 27,250 2
Oklahoma 5 113 177 $2,267 7,883 6
Ontario 2 231 664 $4,790 44,171 10
Oregon 4 110 163 $0 5,415 11
Pennsylvania 7 315 581 $1,214 28,236 11
Prince Edward Island 1 25 41 $0 0 0
South Carolina 4 221 603 $8,614 40,372 49
Tennessee 5 284 562 $4,496 33,527 7
Texas 16 552 933 $12,148 61,654 25
Virginia 5 462 1,099 $13,568 75,686 49
Washington 5 468 730 $5,673 27,310 8
Wisconsin 4 191 361 $3,041 22,938 9

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 29 58 $44 3,772 0
Canada 7 422 1,025 $5,195 63,184 11
Croatia 1 45 134 $0 9,521 0
Czech Republic 3 125 244 $0 15,675 3
Denmark 2 67 114 $0 7,732 0
Finland 6 203 372 $269 22,713 4
France 4 103 240 $0 16,312 2
Germany 2 75 149 $0 9,086 2
Iceland 1 25 25 $27 1,569 0
Italy 1 72 215 $0 14,005 4
Lithuania 1 75 222 $872 14,777 0
New Zealand 3 117 354 $573 21,547 8
Norway 4 131 200 $0 8,344 0
Serbia 1 26 88 $0 4,792 0
Slovenia 1 25 49 $0 2,837 0
Spain 2 54 145 $14,617 8,272 54
Sweden 8 239 339 $0 21,961 1
Ukraine 1 11 33 $0 2,245 0
United Kingdom 2 60 115 $0 7,156 0
United States 181 9,149 17,804 $139,422 1,044,052 478