StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-04-15 to Sunday 2019-04-21, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-04-15
(click to change weeks)
(4,970 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:00 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 57 845 1,877 $50,488 117,002 954
FPO 21 62 152 $4,008 10,840 864
MP40 33 245 521 $10,979 33,769 923
MP50 20 87 187 $4,427 12,013 905
FP40 3 15 30 $351 2,229 780
FP50 1 1 2 $0 150 811
MP55 1 6 12 $0 861 840
MP60 4 10 28 $273 1,859 857
MP65 1 5 10 $0 785 790
MA1 54 986 2,095 $0 130,264 926
FA1 25 77 178 $0 12,270 812
MA2 53 1,136 2,436 $0 151,122 889
FA2 25 78 137 $0 10,614 743
MA3 49 1,048 2,368 $0 151,931 852
FA3 31 93 204 $0 14,990 701

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 28 55 $517 3,035 0
Arkansas 1 84 168 $2,373 10,421 6
British Columbia 1 39 76 $41 4,440 2
California 1 78 233 $2,050 12,837 8
Colorado 2 211 390 $4,842 26,721 18
Florida 1 87 257 $0 15,515 0
Georgia 2 153 300 $1,785 20,776 15
Illinois 2 337 961 $15,935 69,032 81
Kansas 7 662 718 $1,302 49,854 8
Kentucky 4 907 2,955 $50 162,702 52
Louisiana 1 22 44 $315 2,717 4
Massachusetts 1 53 104 $925 6,768 5
Michigan 3 271 534 $4,029 35,598 7
Minnesota 1 100 199 $1,210 12,271 4
Missouri 4 277 502 $4,551 31,424 12
Nebraska 2 104 207 $3,099 13,327 6
New York 1 67 132 $600 8,705 1
North Carolina 2 148 293 $1,668 17,585 11
Oklahoma 1 83 164 $1,350 10,410 5
Ontario 2 123 122 $389 8,032 2
Oregon 3 140 280 $993 17,416 7
Pennsylvania 1 80 159 $2,210 11,506 12
Quebec 1 59 118 $656 8,367 0
South Carolina 1 52 102 $359 6,439 2
Tennessee 1 22 21 $144 1,410 1
Texas 4 276 506 $4,915 30,787 19
Virginia 1 37 74 $619 5,137 0
Washington 1 83 83 $525 8,253 1
Wisconsin 3 294 586 $3,873 36,255 14

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 4 221 316 $1,086 20,839 4
Czech Republic 1 38 76 $0 4,888 1
Estonia 1 88 175 $0 12,453 0
Finland 5 412 1,184 $5,498 83,100 45
Latvia 1 18 36 $0 2,707 2
Netherlands 1 89 303 $3,389 18,662 23
Sweden 1 70 138 $314 7,950 3
Thailand 1 20 40 $0 2,972 0
Ukraine 1 11 39 $0 2,075 0
United States 52 4,656 10,027 $60,239 626,901 299