StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-04-22 to Sunday 2019-04-28, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-04-22
(click to change weeks)
(8,069 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:01 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 96 1,624 3,745 $103,997 234,435 947
FPO 42 161 411 $12,453 29,601 858
MP40 63 533 1,216 $31,199 76,551 925
MP50 44 280 670 $17,462 44,267 909
FP40 4 8 19 $689 1,383 835
MP60 13 59 138 $3,781 9,611 876
FP60 1 1 2 $50 140 838
MP65 1 1 2 $45 125 829
MP70 1 1 2 $68 130 806
MA1 88 1,702 3,546 $0 224,662 924
FA1 39 118 275 $0 20,301 820
MA2 85 1,881 3,842 $0 244,705 888
FA2 33 152 337 $0 25,773 767
MA3 81 1,607 3,072 $0 201,279 851
FA3 36 110 189 $0 14,783 704

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Arizona 1 80 158 $975 8,659 6
British Columbia 2 59 116 $574 7,659 2
California 4 342 852 $1,536 62,877 16
Connecticut 1 62 123 $1,461 7,580 0
Florida 5 328 710 $6,225 40,956 29
Georgia 3 213 420 $1,355 26,590 10
Illinois 3 362 896 $865 56,801 8
Indiana 4 199 394 $2,841 26,255 11
Iowa 4 170 315 $1,581 21,836 5
Kansas 19 3,163 5,985 $61,743 384,621 332
Kentucky 2 122 238 $2,671 16,784 12
Maine 1 114 225 $2,426 13,042 8
Maryland 1 39 115 $2,995 8,820 10
Massachusetts 2 153 306 $5,405 19,035 6
Michigan 7 436 867 $5,076 52,889 23
Minnesota 1 24 24 $230 1,419 0
Montana 1 89 171 $3,099 10,764 4
New Jersey 2 120 240 $60 15,642 2
New Mexico 1 104 297 $5,970 22,281 14
New York 1 67 132 $814 9,299 1
North Carolina 2 168 566 $8,400 34,552 25
Ohio 2 136 272 $2,724 16,816 7
Oklahoma 1 47 92 $440 6,150 5
Ontario 1 66 193 $1,677 13,932 4
Oregon 1 123 246 $4,803 25,178 15
Pennsylvania 3 184 363 $3,289 24,890 10
Rhode Island 1 28 55 $289 3,689 0
South Carolina 3 195 520 $1,416 28,976 6
Tennessee 3 119 238 $1,140 13,701 5
Texas 5 429 981 $10,348 61,020 37
Virginia 2 142 281 $2,680 17,189 9
Washington 3 243 554 $4,882 39,450 21
Wisconsin 1 53 106 $702 6,624 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 95 247 $944 17,031 1
Austria 1 24 71 $0 4,207 5
Belgium 1 27 46 $0 2,597 2
Canada 3 125 309 $2,251 21,591 6
Czech Republic 1 70 209 $0 14,576 6
Estonia 2 185 368 $1,258 27,745 5
Finland 8 737 1,538 $9,638 104,758 32
Germany 1 46 138 $0 7,746 7
Hungary 1 19 35 $0 2,216 0
Norway 6 362 733 $1,484 44,815 7
Sweden 5 269 655 $6,084 41,351 42
United Kingdom 1 53 191 $272 12,776 3
United States 90 8,054 16,742 $148,441 1,084,385 642