StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-11-07 to Sunday 2022-11-13, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-11-07
(click to change weeks)
(7,518 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-11-20 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 95 1,501 2,820 $77,251 166,611 941
FPO 44 160 343 $12,907 22,860 854
MP40 47 307 648 $22,414 39,563 924
MP50 28 136 272 $8,281 17,198 911
FP40 4 10 20 $1,261 1,476 852
FP50 3 6 13 $670 838 846
MP55 1 6 18 $571 1,158 925
FP55 1 3 6 $375 413 810
MP60 10 26 61 $1,252 3,682 876
FP60 2 6 13 $825 916 787
MP70 4 4 9 $233 587 827
MA1 92 1,018 1,986 $0 121,834 915
FA1 38 128 272 $0 18,808 804
MA2 85 1,189 2,164 $0 131,773 882
FA2 30 95 189 $0 13,420 771
MA3 86 1,403 2,428 $0 154,223 847
FA3 34 100 197 $0 14,248 721

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Arizona 1 126 237 $3,450 15,058 2
Arkansas 3 326 690 $9,871 40,917 35
British Columbia 1 71 135 $0 8,651 4
California 4 280 567 $19,275 42,066 15
Colorado 3 140 216 $0 13,156 2
Florida 4 377 847 $29,475 55,013 106
Georgia 6 275 413 $2,344 28,397 8
Illinois 2 234 234 $110 14,446 4
Indiana 2 95 186 $314 11,327 3
Iowa 1 69 135 $1,026 7,003 3
Kansas 2 141 275 $1,757 16,700 10
Kentucky 3 141 268 $934 17,037 7
Louisiana 1 80 159 $1,026 9,512 4
Massachusetts 2 97 186 $1,855 12,365 7
Michigan 3 188 372 $1,864 22,042 3
Mississippi 1 100 279 $2,866 20,280 12
Nebraska 1 42 42 $100 3,999 0
Nevada 1 68 135 $722 8,660 1
New Mexico 1 138 270 $7,019 19,365 5
North Carolina 15 844 1,239 $5,309 74,998 35
Ohio 3 200 321 $572 20,900 4
Oklahoma 2 143 283 $1,448 16,546 4
Ontario 1 80 155 $1,845 9,665 4
Oregon 5 337 669 $10,612 43,369 44
Pennsylvania 2 107 188 $2,653 13,585 1
South Carolina 2 137 274 $465 16,409 1
Tennessee 3 146 270 $930 16,194 5
Texas 17 816 1,243 $12,536 78,110 34
Utah 1 81 81 $60 4,910 2
Virginia 4 384 873 $1,059 51,866 3
Washington 1 69 138 $811 7,713 2
Wisconsin 3 213 401 $1,024 24,381 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 15 30 $0 2,165 0
Austria 1 46 92 $0 4,245 1
Belgium 1 29 57 $0 3,887 0
Canada 2 151 290 $1,845 18,316 8
Colombia 1 26 78 $0 5,023 0
Croatia 1 33 64 $0 3,129 2
Czech Republic 2 77 154 $0 9,908 2
Denmark 2 162 242 $0 15,418 0
Estonia 1 52 103 $0 5,658 0
Finland 1 43 86 $0 4,956 2
France 1 21 40 $0 2,592 0
Germany 1 54 108 $0 6,505 2
Japan 1 33 122 $776 6,733 18
Malaysia 1 23 46 $240 2,740 1
Netherlands 2 42 96 $0 4,817 0
New Zealand 2 120 352 $136 23,471 12
Poland 1 34 102 $0 6,248 0
Spain 1 135 398 $1,422 23,969 15
Sweden 4 267 389 $290 25,209 2
Switzerland 1 25 75 $0 3,101 3
United States 100 6,410 11,522 $121,487 728,273 365