StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-09-11 to Sunday 2023-09-17, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-09-11
(click to change weeks)
(12,548 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-09-24 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 181 2,436 5,222 $194,654 291,718 946
FPO 61 271 699 $59,819 46,633 865
MP40 97 693 1,497 $35,752 88,207 915
MP50 55 273 664 $11,623 42,161 894
FP40 16 32 84 $1,256 6,576 774
FP50 7 12 20 $383 1,473 787
MP55 6 14 30 $980 2,065 899
FP55 1 3 9 $372 638 802
MP60 19 73 191 $4,508 12,468 886
FP60 1 2 4 $239 292 769
MP65 3 12 29 $909 1,811 889
MP70 3 3 3 $61 197 871
FP70 1 1 2 $0 110 847
MA1 181 2,113 4,021 $0 203,181 909
FA1 69 204 390 $0 24,976 816
MA2 167 2,004 3,862 $0 206,797 889
FA2 64 194 394 $0 24,359 768
MA3 171 2,337 4,595 $0 264,381 851
FA3 54 131 253 $0 16,739 728

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 24 111 $0 0 0
Alaska 1 51 148 $910 8,754 7
Alberta 3 146 430 $1,956 23,908 5
Arizona 4 174 252 $2,601 9,706 6
Arkansas 3 102 221 $1,794 13,426 2
California 8 607 974 $2,441 28,129 30
Colorado 6 304 496 $2,587 30,050 17
Connecticut 3 128 154 $827 9,833 0
Florida 1 40 23 $0 0 0
Georgia 5 217 458 $632 20,014 7
Idaho 1 63 125 $1,724 7,333 3
Illinois 4 139 263 $993 16,363 4
Indiana 10 410 653 $6,611 37,931 25
Iowa 3 185 302 $866 17,043 5
Kansas 7 235 371 $3,192 19,885 13
Kentucky 5 277 622 $11,247 37,938 32
Maine 1 78 155 $665 9,928 6
Manitoba 1 32 62 $0 3,689 0
Maryland 4 180 347 $3,983 21,396 13
Massachusetts 1 108 430 $120,000 26,241 234
Michigan 8 318 622 $3,430 34,670 8
Minnesota 7 383 612 $2,929 34,460 7
Mississippi 2 79 203 $2,582 14,324 4
Missouri 6 632 1,534 $21,295 94,348 47
Montana 1 36 106 $780 6,358 0
Nebraska 3 173 304 $2,293 13,188 4
New Brunswick 2 65 68 $0 0 0
New Jersey 4 156 320 $1,020 14,420 6
New Mexico 1 8 24 $630 1,244 0
New York 3 297 750 $10,037 48,380 22
North Carolina 13 576 912 $4,962 49,583 18
Ohio 5 128 154 $396 4,947 2
Oklahoma 5 266 607 $18,528 39,500 30
Ontario 1 70 140 $0 9,991 0
Oregon 5 286 582 $4,202 36,000 16
Pennsylvania 5 249 413 $459 26,548 2
Quebec 1 38 74 $412 4,457 2
South Carolina 6 174 430 $502 26,328 8
South Dakota 2 120 259 $6,071 17,521 10
Tennessee 4 270 603 $4,931 35,575 15
Texas 16 761 1,171 $8,439 71,828 24
Utah 5 204 281 $0 3,745 1
Virginia 9 396 684 $2,364 43,426 13
Washington 1 157 313 $5,430 18,049 28
West Virginia 1 73 144 $964 8,478 4
Wisconsin 8 536 1,004 $9,036 42,926 15
Wyoming 1 13 13 $0 681 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 37 107 $207 7,209 0
Austria 2 110 322 $0 21,204 9
Canada 8 351 774 $2,368 42,045 7
Croatia 1 54 179 $0 10,875 1
Czech Republic 2 141 377 $3,127 26,744 18
Denmark 2 132 210 $0 15,047 0
Estonia 1 48 96 $0 6,472 0
Finland 17 966 1,899 $14,794 111,544 117
France 2 94 270 $1,344 18,961 16
Germany 3 132 383 $0 23,416 16
Iceland 2 46 52 $0 3,590 0
Japan 1 55 220 $0 13,438 36
Latvia 3 146 429 $10,563 31,537 9
New Zealand 1 56 110 $59 7,414 2
Norway 7 348 589 $1,348 24,677 4
Poland 1 130 386 $0 28,470 2
Portugal 1 16 48 $0 2,944 0
Slovakia 1 36 105 $0 7,197 3
South Africa 1 27 53 $0 0 0
Sweden 9 804 2,338 $3,183 148,757 7
Switzerland 1 40 119 $1,111 7,663 3
Ukraine 1 13 26 $0 1,613 0
United Kingdom 5 167 292 $99 17,519 1
United States 189 9,613 18,150 $272,353 1,000,497 689