StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-07-19 to Sunday 2021-07-25, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-07-19
(click to change weeks)
(10,952 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:11 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 101 1,870 4,121 $139,908 245,648 944
FPO 51 208 513 $25,638 36,419 842
MP40 62 506 1,120 $23,310 70,472 912
MP50 37 213 460 $8,022 30,794 896
FP40 5 14 31 $345 2,404 783
FP50 1 2 6 $0 440 797
MP55 2 4 7 $297 415 914
MP60 12 37 82 $1,536 5,907 884
MP65 1 1 1 $15 60 877
FP65 1 1 1 $15 72 747
MP70 1 2 0 $40 270 0
MA1 96 1,669 3,771 $0 226,490 918
FA1 53 153 361 $0 25,296 799
MA2 100 2,049 4,602 $0 281,678 884
FA2 54 149 345 $0 25,419 755
MA3 104 2,193 4,689 $0 301,177 846
FA3 36 107 225 $0 17,039 689

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 291 481 $360 26,965 7
Alaska 1 42 168 $900 9,578 12
Alberta 2 80 213 $924 13,174 2
Arizona 1 109 307 $3,000 17,084 18
Arkansas 1 141 278 $1,842 15,810 6
British Columbia 1 12 24 $0 1,337 0
California 3 417 964 $7,137 72,080 23
Colorado 5 303 458 $6,358 28,193 8
Connecticut 2 114 225 $1,890 14,378 1
Georgia 3 161 319 $625 19,177 2
Hawaii 1 15 30 $0 1,690 0
Idaho 2 178 611 $3,400 38,156 16
Illinois 4 256 742 $6,159 41,124 25
Indiana 3 164 322 $0 21,355 2
Iowa 2 171 334 $3,608 19,702 13
Kansas 1 357 1,050 $0 67,044 6
Kentucky 5 390 734 $5,747 51,058 9
Louisiana 1 72 142 $0 8,465 0
Maine 1 76 150 $0 8,879 2
Maryland 1 67 264 $380 14,854 7
Massachusetts 3 190 319 $6,025 20,035 13
Michigan 2 655 1,938 $69,046 116,729 237
Minnesota 2 382 930 $13,569 57,050 31
Mississippi 1 79 156 $0 9,819 0
Missouri 4 280 551 $4,557 35,583 11
Montana 1 66 132 $1,447 6,908 1
New Hampshire 3 146 289 $400 19,430 5
New Jersey 3 228 291 $1,679 18,249 5
New York 2 127 254 $3,251 16,242 5
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 12 24 $400 1,475 0
North Carolina 5 479 1,389 $4,050 80,315 20
North Dakota 1 26 49 $930 4,044 2
Nova Scotia 1 60 180 $938 10,473 2
Ohio 4 399 719 $3,466 48,076 10
Oklahoma 3 134 268 $1,904 16,444 4
Ontario 2 133 132 $519 8,924 3
Oregon 2 121 313 $3,279 17,723 26
Pennsylvania 1 137 271 $3,453 16,094 8
Saskatchewan 1 62 184 $2,274 11,406 1
South Carolina 2 152 302 $301 18,406 8
South Dakota 1 77 151 $938 8,683 1
Tennessee 1 139 274 $1,700 22,213 7
Texas 9 594 1,149 $3,875 72,629 19
Utah 1 103 300 $1,797 19,362 4
Virginia 2 205 407 $2,207 26,344 14
Washington 4 333 592 $4,531 44,293 12
Wisconsin 3 353 704 $5,137 43,091 10
Wyoming 1 80 160 $3,305 9,977 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 12 23 $0 1,531 0
Canada 8 359 757 $5,055 46,789 8
Croatia 1 44 131 $0 8,667 0
Czech Republic 1 85 252 $1,187 15,736 11
Denmark 1 88 175 $469 11,425 1
Estonia 2 54 54 $0 3,184 1
Finland 8 820 1,674 $4,614 112,609 30
France 1 27 78 $0 3,871 1
Germany 2 111 220 $0 13,578 9
Iceland 1 95 278 $0 18,421 1
Latvia 1 47 94 $65 5,936 0
Lithuania 1 66 196 $858 13,221 1
Norway 5 394 786 $2,858 51,188 9
Serbia 1 20 36 $0 2,105 0
Sweden 9 384 711 $444 43,242 4
Switzerland 2 72 143 $43 8,948 6
United Kingdom 3 93 313 $1,323 18,345 4
United States 102 8,809 19,487 $182,253 1,223,331 613