StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-04-24 to Sunday 2023-04-30, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-04-24
(click to change weeks)
(13,601 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-05-07 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 176 2,547 5,132 $150,155 295,852 936
FPO 69 274 642 $32,955 43,471 847
MP40 79 603 1,275 $27,312 78,427 914
MP50 56 248 517 $12,274 31,837 907
FP40 10 15 33 $868 2,366 844
FP50 1 4 12 $390 986 854
MP55 1 1 2 $70 126 939
MP60 25 76 167 $4,236 10,879 873
MP70 3 8 20 $178 1,370 829
MA1 166 2,306 4,582 $0 275,783 911
FA1 66 247 522 $0 35,569 805
MA2 157 2,368 4,289 $0 260,417 881
FA2 66 235 447 $0 31,992 758
MA3 156 2,699 4,785 $0 308,007 844
FA3 55 150 253 $0 19,192 724

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 224 508 $0 21,067 5
Alaska 1 36 70 $325 4,101 1
Alberta 1 59 118 $218 7,994 1
Arizona 1 45 90 $114 4,865 1
Arkansas 4 372 1,020 $78,860 60,780 243
British Columbia 1 27 53 $153 3,470 1
California 5 355 834 $16,994 53,233 44
Colorado 4 300 552 $14,495 33,991 19
Florida 4 476 619 $700 39,732 2
Georgia 4 236 407 $630 26,930 0
Hawaii 2 89 228 $1,660 13,613 8
Idaho 1 50 99 $1,614 6,522 6
Illinois 4 244 347 $606 22,945 3
Indiana 5 285 513 $1,387 32,459 6
Iowa 3 126 189 $951 12,300 7
Kansas 7 920 1,942 $1,251 127,438 26
Kentucky 4 225 402 $1,274 25,596 2
Louisiana 1 24 24 $23 2,062 0
Maryland 1 70 140 $624 7,786 0
Massachusetts 1 1 4 $0 234 0
Michigan 7 567 928 $4,188 63,212 19
Minnesota 4 482 956 $9,815 58,831 47
Missouri 1 52 52 $619 3,426 2
Montana 1 71 142 $0 10,708 0
Nebraska 2 120 237 $515 17,095 0
New Hampshire 4 218 400 $3,374 25,185 9
New Jersey 1 3 3 $0 172 0
New York 4 207 426 $3,447 28,326 5
North Carolina 14 742 1,169 $12,511 70,214 30
Nova Scotia 1 80 240 $806 15,491 0
Ohio 8 535 815 $3,267 54,069 7
Oklahoma 4 268 387 $415 14,554 7
Ontario 2 189 350 $0 15,432 1
Oregon 8 486 1,013 $7,726 58,828 24
Pennsylvania 9 738 1,416 $10,029 91,629 33
Quebec 2 182 361 $1,884 24,208 2
South Carolina 3 264 639 $2,034 40,180 14
South Dakota 1 35 70 $880 4,111 1
Tennessee 5 150 214 $3,120 10,755 9
Texas 21 1,132 1,661 $14,856 107,306 42
Utah 3 198 363 $4,006 22,821 8
Vermont 1 138 270 $1,968 16,403 1
Virginia 2 71 136 $525 8,678 2
Washington 6 457 946 $7,440 50,295 40
West Virginia 1 33 33 $0 1,799 0
Wisconsin 4 354 781 $7,550 45,419 27
Wyoming 1 66 66 $0 4,077 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 179 541 $1,089 35,678 4
Belgium 1 36 65 $0 4,129 0
Canada 7 537 1,122 $3,061 66,595 5
Croatia 1 62 193 $0 11,423 1
Denmark 5 236 381 $0 24,538 1
Estonia 3 230 409 $0 28,250 5
Finland 5 479 1,058 $996 66,153 20
France 1 29 58 $0 4,378 0
Germany 6 235 552 $0 31,648 15
Iceland 1 72 72 $0 5,144 1
Japan 1 23 92 $0 5,488 0
Latvia 2 107 214 $0 14,480 0
Lithuania 1 66 132 $0 8,940 0
Mexico 1 13 13 $0 950 0
Netherlands 1 48 96 $0 6,121 2
New Zealand 3 117 290 $0 18,632 5
Norway 6 285 714 $697 47,926 1
Slovakia 1 69 206 $0 13,932 1
Slovenia 1 36 108 $383 7,681 3
South Korea 1 37 74 $1,200 4,869 0
Sweden 5 215 361 $393 22,579 0
Switzerland 1 44 132 $798 5,455 10
Thailand 1 10 20 $90 1,164 1
Ukraine 1 17 51 $54 4,150 0
United Kingdom 1 23 44 $0 2,596 0
United States 171 11,465 21,111 $219,793 1,303,747 701